Yeah, there goes the more restrained version of chickie's blog flying out the window!  It's not vulgar, not overly inappropriate, hopefully a good enough balance of discretion and high-fiving (I'm such a dork). Not like I can post this on facebook or anything lol. 

"Beat me and f--- me so I can sleep!"  At least that was the thought running through my head when we got back home.  Seriously, where did that come from?  I felt the words almost coming out and stopped them in their tracks.  I kind of shocked myself at the thought, being that there are no beatings in our marriage.  I did not say anything like that out loud.  I was beaming him my message telepathically. 

So to backtrack, no, I didn't go to the doctor Friday like I'd promised.  Turns out I was very very sick and he had to drag me into urgent care yesterday afternoon.  Got a shot in my butt, more medicine on board and today I feel somewhat human again. Last night, I truly looked and sounded like death warmed over.

Back to my other needs...

Put the evil monsters darling children to bed then asked what I needed.  I told him I wanted him to rub me.  I stood close and got rubbed all over for a few minutes.  Meh

"I'm going to bed.  Not to sleep, just to bed."

 Maybe I left my adorable pink lacy panties on.  Maybe I didn't get under the covers.  Maybe I positioned myself on the bed just right so he'd be greeted by my backside instead of my zombie-like face when he opened the door. 

He came in some time later and rubbed some more before getting into bed.  I rolled over to the other side and scootched in closer, begging for more back (and butt) rubbing.  He obliged, though seemed more interested in something other than me.  It's okay, I just needed to be rubbed.

Details are very hazy from there. Rubbing turned into teasing, then back to rubbing, all the while feigning disinterest in me.  I was too medicine-headed to see it was his game.

Aside from spanking/beatings type stuff, I really hadn't considered that there were sexual things we hadn't done before - I was wrong.   Surely there's no other way to contort our bodies that hasn't been done many times - I was wrong again. 

I got my one swat on one cheek and then the other.  I think he likes his handprints there.  I don't think he does that for me in particular.

Spun around somehow and swatted a nipple, then the other, then down there.  They were the tiniest most pitiful little swats, not registering as more than a rough touch.  Oh my gosh though!  The idea that he just did that was enough. WOW!

Other stuff, lots more stuff, blah blah.

My mouth was busy.  His hands were busy.  I didn't know specifically what he was doing, just enjoying myself immensely both as the giver and the receiver.  Thank goodness he doesn't have those giant man hands!  Man hands, yes, just not gigantic ones.


The feeling just completely overtook me.  Nothing like I've ever felt before.  I expected it to be something else, more just like a gigantic dildo that can't possibly fit.  Ummm, no.  After a while I couldn't even breathe, it was just too overwhelming and it had to stop.  Not till I put my hand down there to make it stop did I realize what was going on, and once that's going on, it can't just stop.  Words cannot begin to describe how amazing that was.  So it's taken us all this time to figure that one out.  Can't wait to see what else is in store for me - hopefully!

I got f---ed and I got to pretend I was beaten. It was a good night!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Beat me and f--- me so I can sleep! Updated at : 9:45 AM
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

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