Cheeeeeeers and a Happy Thursday to you all.

As you may know by now, LIVE this Sunday June 9th, from Noon-2 PM ET, the Jayman and I will be hosting the 3rd Annual IWS Radio Joke Show on THE Number One comedy show on BTR.

Through various avenues of social media networks, we have beseeched people to email us, record, or call-in with their favorite jokes for Sunday’s Joke Show.

After emailing, blogging, Facebooking, and tweeting these um…beseechments, er yeah?  I asked myself something I have never asked myself before…

What is the true definition of a “joke?”

So…I went to Merriam-Webster online, and here is what I found:

joke noun \ˈjōk\

Definition of JOKE

a : something said or done to provoke laughter; especially : a brief oral narrative with a climactic humorous twist

b : the humorous or ridiculous element in something (2) : an instance of jesting : kidding…can't take a joke

c:  Sarah Palin

Okay, okay…I know…

I added the Sarah Palin reference, but c’mon…

Her fame was brief.  All of her sexy and very oral narratives were humorous, and she is one incredibly ridiculous element of our national landscape, so America’s favorite Eski-Ho does in fact, meet the aforementioned definition.

We all love jokes...

Hell, even people who have no sense of humor love a good joke, because sometimes, they either don’t get it, or it strikes too close to home and they pull out their gun and/or broken, jagged beer bottle and threaten you with it, and well…

That in itself, is pretty damn funny.  At least to me it is.

So c’mon folks…All of you who read our website and/or listen to our show are pretty damn funny, so either record a joke for Sunday’s show or better yet, call-in with one at 661.244.9852.

And dig it folks…

For each and every one of you who calls in and tells a joke, 10-year old Sarah Murnaghan will receive a new lung.  Can you imagine?

If twenty people call-in with a joke, by the time the show is over, little, precious Sarah will have had twenty lungs implanted, be all sewn-up, and ready to be shipped to California in order to help breathe the crucible-like life out of the wildfires that are raging in the Golden State.

And well…our ratings would expand faster than a two liter bottle of Pepsi filled with Mentos, so...

It’s a win-win-win, people!!

IWS Radio correspondents will also be chiming with their favorite jokes.

Perhaps Guy Ahnyurdyck will have a great Dutch joke.  Maybe Joshua will have a funny gay joke.  Perhaps if we are lucky…

Our meteorologist Kirk Douglas, will have a HI (Pressure)-Larious stroke joke, which would make our resident poet Paul Piatt happy, because stroke and joke rhyme, and because of that, Paul may for this one time take the patches off of the elbows on his suit coat, and show his wickedly delicious sense of humor.

We already have joke telling commitments from two foreigners.

One who lives in Canada, and one who lives in Kentucky...so don’t let America down people!!.

Send, record and/or call-in with your jokes for the 3rd Annual Joke Show on IWS Radio which will air this Sunday LIVE from Noon-2 PM ET on Blog Talk Radio.



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Posted by: Tukiyooo Are You Kidding Me? We Hope So!! Updated at : 9:00 PM
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

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