Matt speaks sardonically…Jay speaks sardonically…You may or may not understand.

Matt:  Hello?  Hellooooooo?
Jay:  H--I---wha---t’s----up?
Matt:  Dude your phone is making some whacked noises.
Jay:  Oh sorry…I’ll call back.
Matt:  Okay (click)


Matt:  Yo
Jay:  Is that better?
Matt: Well somewhat, I guess.
Jay:  Hmmmm…maybe I shoul---
Matt:  Jay!?  It’s okay.  It’s perfect…sounds as though you are right next to me.
Jay:  You’re being sarcastic, aren’t you?
Matt:  Why yes, yes I am.
Jay:  I knew it!!

Matt:  (sneezes) Damn…made it all winter without much of anything and NOW I catch a cold.
Jay:  That sucks.  Bless your heart; I feel bad for you.
Matt:  You are being sarcastic, aren't you?
Jay:  Why yes, yes I am.
Matt:  I knew it!!

Jay:  Hey…before we get into intense show prep mode, did you get your new fan for the digs?
Matt:  Yes.  Got it on the way home tonight.
Jay:  How’s it working out? I know a well running fan is very important to you.
Matt:  This damn fan is made of awesome sauce!!
Jay:  I am so happy for both you and Schmoop.
Matt:  Why thank you. I appre----wait…You are being sarcastic again aren’t you?
Jay:  Why yes, yes I am.
Matt:  I knew it!!

Jay:  So this Sunday, following our fourth Numero Uno show in a row, what should we talk about?
Matt:  Hmmmmm…Well you and I evidently pick up on the sarcasm of people, but do others?
Jay:  Ahhhhhhh, not a bad idea.  Many people on social media just don’t get sarcasm.
Matt:  Or satire.
Jay:  Or parodies and absurdities.
Matt: Ooooooo…such fancy words, you wordsmith you!!
Jay:  Why thank----wait…You are being sarcastic again, aren’t you?
Matt:  Why yes, yes I am.
Jay:  I knew it!!

Matt:  Anyhoo…A show on the art of sarcasm, satire, and the like would be way cool.
Jay:  For people to understand why our show is regularly #1, they need to know what those things are.
Matt:  Exactly.  And I’m sure we can talk about our fave satirists and sarcastic bastards and bitches.
Jay:  We could enlist the help of Slyder Balzcock, Paul Piatt, and Carl Paladino.
Matt:  I bet Keith Olbermann, our new guy Bob Kraft, and Dixie Ozark have something to say too.

Jay:  Yep…well…Dixie Ozark?  I don’t know…She has become something of a Diiiiiiiiva!!
Matt:  Ha.  You’re being sarcastic again, aren't you?
Jay:  No, not this time…she is really becoming hard to work with.
Matt:  Really?
Jay:  Oh yeah…She’s become the Gretchen Carlson of Internet Radio.

Matt:  Wow…well see if you can coax her in to doing a report.
Jay:  I’ll do my best.
Matt:  Oh I just know you will.
Jay:  Thank yo----wait…are you being sarcastic again or not?
Matt:  What?  What?  Jay?  Jay?  Your phone is breaking up again, and I can’t hear you over our new, awesome fan…talk to you tomorrow.

So folks…Join Jay, Matt, and the rest of the IWS Radio team as they kick off Sarcasm Awareness Week on Blog Talk Radio.  It will not only be informative and funny as hell, it will be worth 6.5 CEU credits should you hold a license in sarcasm.

That’s this Sunday April 14th from Noon-2 PM ET.  So listen LIVE and CALL-IN dammit!!  To catch this Sunday’s show LIVE, click HERE!!
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Matt Said, Jay Said LXIX Updated at : 9:00 PM
Friday, April 12, 2013

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