How did you survive Thanksgiving?  Yes, a week later and I am just now getting around to this!

First, we had Thanksgiving at Joel's family on Thursday.  I was extremely mindful of my eating, and practiced Mental Rehearsing beforehand (a WW concept).  I told myself over and over to only eat small portions ("mini islands of food" - as we were advised at last week's meeting) and not to finish anything I did not truly enjoy.  I passed up bread.  I left the stuffing and sweet potatoes on my plate.  And I was even able to enjoy my favorite part of Thanksgiving: the 5 Points+ Pumpkin Pie I made especially for Thursday.  I was so pleased, impressed, and proud of how well I did on this holiDAY (as Sharon, my WW leader reminds us, it's not a holiMONTH or holiWEEK, it's a holiDAY).  My non Weight Watchers weigh in day is on Friday, and as you can see, I had a nice loss for the week.  Success!

However, then I had to travel to Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving Part Deux.  I started Saturday off with a trip to the local-PA WW meeting center.  I clocked in at a loss for the week on their scale as well.  Great!

Still, currently I'm sitting at well over -35 WEEKLY Points+ for the week.  Fellow Weight Watchers, did you read that correctly? NEGATIVE WEEKLY!  Ugh.  How did this happen???   

My salad size plate at my sister's house: turkey, mashed potatoes, noodles,
stuffing and green bean casserole.
I used a small plate, and made small islands of food.  Everything was a 1/2 cup size or less.  I thought I did well.  I only had seconds on the green bean casserole. 

I had these pumpkin cupcakes for my dessert (and very small servings of 2 other desserts my mom made - which I accounted for):

While I didn't eat much of this on T-Day Part Deux (it was bland and needed more spicing up), I have been eating this in my lunch all week:
Sweet Potato Casserole

IF I have a gain tomorrow, and I'm praying I do not, but IF I do, it will be because, yes, I did eat a little more than I normally would this past week due to Thanksgiving.  Also, it was.... that special time of the month, and I have been absolutely ravenous all week.  Actually, I believe a lot of the negative Points+ have come as a result of this more than Thanksgiving to be honest. Do you ladies ever get like this during the actual week of the "event"?  No amount of food or anything in particular has been satisfying.  Not even chocolate!

I was able to avoid one "war" this week with Five Guys (Joel was having a craving and he indulged, I did NOT)... but I lost the battle last night to Japanese from our favorite restaurant.  Still, I had very small portions of the Japanese food and only ate until just satisfied. 

I really don't want a gain tomorrow, not only for obvious reasons, but because I am really proud of how I handled Thanksgiving this year.  I am proud of how I managed Joel's family's feast, and how I even managed my own family's spread.  I'm also proud that I made 3 WW friendly substitutions (pie, casserole and cupcakes) and that I have still accounted for EVERYTHING this week, even if I am in the deep, deep red of Points+.  It really does feel better when you write it down, even if you are borrowing from next week's Points+ bank ;). I'm also proud that I visited WW while traveling.  I'm really trying to stay focused! 

Today (Thursday) I am sucking down the water and trying to stay within my 39 Points+ for the day.  Tonight we have a happy hour for the 3 couples who got engaged in my office, and so I'm going to have to fight another war tonight... I will get 1 beer and that is it! I <3 beer.  But I don't love gains, and no amount of beer is worth a gain!!

What is your self assessment of how you handled Thanksgiving?
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Post-Thanksgiving Week Updated at : 11:28 AM
Thursday, December 1, 2011

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