After two really bad Ambien night's where I ate stuff I didn't remember eating, and even "dreamed" I drove my car in the middle of the night, lost and scared (pretty sure I didn't but scared the crap out of me anyway), last night I went cold turkey. No Ambien or OTC sleep aid. It was a miserable night.

I have trouble sleeping anyway but throw in a full arm cast almost to my shoulder, and it was a night from hell. I finally went to sleep around 2 a.m. (no weird eating last night), and got up at 8 a.m. feeling and looking like death.

Add in that my back is killing me from blackberry picking yesterday, and I'm not a happy girl today. Tired and feeling older than dirt.

Yesterday I managed a full hour of cardio yesterday at the gym, bike, crossramp and even 11 minutes on the StairMaster (which was pure torture). I did a few bicep and tricep exercises for my right arm, but I always feel  of kind of silly weight lifting with just my right arm, with my left arm in a bright pink cast, moving it up and down the best I can to keep in sync with my good arm. I imagine people think I'm nuts.

My agenda for today, nothing but chores:

1. Gym, of course.

2. Pick up the  Dyson vacuum at the repair shop. Only took them four days to fix it and $79. We've had it over 5 years. Love my Dyson.

3. Stop at Safeway and buy Coffee-mate Natural Bliss Caramel. Prior Fat Girl, Jen, had a link to a dollar off coupon. I normally drink coffee black. Not sure if this is a good way to use 35 calories, but thought I'd try it.

4. Library - 2 of Joy Bauer's books I had on hold are ready for pickup.

5. Wash and freeze the 16 cups of blackberries I picked yesterday - great for green monster smoothies.

6. Plant pansies I bought at Farmers Market  2 week's ago. One-handed gardening doesn't sound fun, but only 6 plants. For a planter that didn't get watered and everything died.

7. Pick more blackberries--?? Not sure if I want to do this or if my aching back will hold up.

8. Vacuum living room since I didn't vacuum last weekend (broken Dyson). Darn hardwood floors, the dust bunnies are taking over. I had pulled out our almost new Kenmore from pre-Dyson days, but just never got around to it.

9. Go to bed early!

Actually, I want to crawl back in to bed right now. So tired and achy, but I have to get moving. It's noon, and I'm not even dressed. I wonder if this is what getting old feels like.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Wednesday's Words Updated at : 12:08 PM
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

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