TGIF friends!!

I know what you’re thinking “Darci we haven’t heard from you in 22 days, this sporadic blogging needs to stop.” I couldn’t agree with you more! Winking smile I’m not one to make excuses…well ok maybe once in a while! So here’s my “reasons” for being MIA!

  1. Our computer doesn’t work. Obviously that makes it hard to blog! (we have a loaner right now, for a few days)
  2. And I’ve been soaking up all the time I can with my sweet baby girl! My maternity leave is quickly coming to an end. Sad smile


Those are pretty legit…right?!?! I’d say at least the 2nd one! To think I only have a week and half of maternity leave just makes me so sad.

Ok…back to the reason for my post! Anyone see my tweet this morning?


In preparation for going back to work I raided my closet to see what fit for work attire. (Honestly I was hoping nothing would fit and I just wouldn’t have to go to work. Ha!) j/k Out of 22 pairs of dress pants and 7 pairs of jeans, only 5 fit. (I know that is a lot of pants, but it is a mix of 2 sizes and I LOVE to shop! Winking smile)

At first I was really depressed, but gotta look on the bright side. At least I have a pair for each day! For real though, it was hard trying on pair after pair and having little luck.  DSC00667

Another thing I’m trying to keep in mind is that it took me 9 months to put on these pounds. They aren’t going to come off overnight. I’ve read it can take anywhere from  6 months to a year to lose your baby weight.

But it was a good swift quick in the rear to get me serious again. When I posted on August 4th I talked about starting to workout and eating well. I have worked out…not consistently though. To date I have completed the first 2 weeks of C25K. If you do the math you will see it took me 3 weeks to do that. It’s time to get serious!

As far as eating, I’m doing fairly well about getting fruits and vegetables. But…I’m also pretty good about eating ice cream & other empty calories! It’s time to get serious!

So here is my clear cut plan:

  • Workout 5 days/week – 3 days of C25K & 2 days of other options such as workout DVDs, weights, cardio, etc
  • Track eats & eliminate empty calorie sweets

Two tasks, seems easy enough! Winking smile If only it were! But I’m ready for the challenge. It’s time to get serious!!

No better time to start than this morning! For breakfast I made an egg burrito with 2 eggs, salsa, 2% shredded cheddar, and a ww tortilla! Paired with a banana it’s a nutritious breakfast!DSC00666

So my friends I’m asking you to keep me accountable! I’ve buckled down and lost weight in the past, I can do it again! It’s time to get serious!

PS If you are wanting more baby updates, hop on over to our family blog to see the latest of Adelyn! Sunday she turned 2 months! Hard to believe!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Time to get serious! Updated at : 8:56 AM
Friday, August 26, 2011

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