Hey Everyone! Kyle and I made it back safely late Wednesday afternoon. But we couldn't leave Florida without going to the beach one last time! DSC06730DSC06735

We got home and got right to work, unpacking, laundry, a little cleaning, and ran some errands.

It felt so good to be back in our own bed last night! Vacation is nice, but home is always better!

This morning before I rushed off to work I made a quick breakfast sandwich. It consisted of 3 eggs whites and a slice of ff swiss cheese on a sandwich thin for 3 points.DSC06742

And I also had an apple on the side for 1 point.DSC06743

My desk was FULL of things just waiting for me to get back. It kept me busy ALL morning long and before I knew it noon was already here and I didn't have a morning snack. I grabbed 1 c grapes for 1 point to hold me over till I went home for lunch. DSC06744

I was excited to see Kyle over my lunch. I mean I'd seem him 24/7 the past 7 days! But I am a tad jealous of him, the lucky little dog got off work at 2pm today!

I had a simple turkey & cheese sandwich and steamed some broccoli & cauliflower for a 3 point lunch.DSC06747DSC06746

Since I had a late lunch my last few hours of work flew and I headed to teach my class. I have to admit, it was really hard to go. I just wanted to go home and relax. Which sounds silly since that is what I have done the past 7 days, but I think traveling also wears you out!

I made it through my class nibbling on this Snickers Marathon Energy Bar for 4 points. It is high in points, but it was easily accessible and I knew I couldn’t make it past 8pm without eating!DSC06748

I didn’t leave class until after 8:30 so I wanted to keep my supper light. I had a serving of Life cereal and 1/2c 1% milk for a total of 3 points. DSC06749

I just finished my last bite of cereal and I’m going to bed. This girl is TIRED!!!

POINTS = 15/23
WATER =  88 oz

I hope you didn’t miss any of my Florida recaps:

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Home!!! Updated at : 7:17 PM
Thursday, March 25, 2010

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