I know, I know I only had a 2 day work week, but I'm ready for some down time to clean the house and just chill! Being gone wears you out! ;)

I started out my morning with a random breakfast. We haven’t had a chance to go to the grocery store so I’ve been scrapping up things for meals!

I used 1/2 of this sample box of Total Blueberry Pomegranate. DSC06750

And mixed it with a WW strawberry yogurt for a total of 2 points. DSC06751

I also sliced an apple to have on the side for another 1 point. DSC06752

My morning was CRAZY. I ended up having to be gone all afternoon for a presentation so I went to lunch early.

I made a quick stop at the bank and then headed home and whipped up a quick turkey & cheese sandwich with 1/2c cottage cheese and 1/2c peaches for a total of 5 points. DSC06753

My presentation was a financial aid talk to 8th graders…needless to say I put 2 students to sleep and I don’t really think they were too interested since college is 4+ years away for them! But it is a recruitment tool and it was interesting to hear from the middle school students! It’s been a LONG time since I was there! ;)

After getting back to town after my presentation I met up with Kyle at the grocery store. Finally we will be re-stocked!

One *new* thing I picked up was Boca burgers. I’ve seen these all over blogland and they were on sale so I finally decided to try them!DSC06754

I made mine into a Boca cheeseburger on a sandwich thin for 3 points.  I think these are going to be a new staple in our freezer, very good! DSC06757

I also steamed some broccoli and cauliflower to have on the side for 0 points! DSC06755

To round out my supper I had 1 c of honeydew melon for 1 point. Oh my, this was one good melon!! DSC06756

I spent the better part of my evening catching up with you guys!! I feel like I’m so behind! :)

Oh and I almost forgot! Kyle and I purchased a copy of Runner’s World for some reading material while on vacation. And we both LOVED it!! I think we are going to subscribe to it. I can’t wait to try some of the workouts they have in this issue!DSC06759

And one last thing my wonderful friend, Jenna, who did a guest post for me on Monday while I was enjoying Florida had a few follow up comments I wanted to post!

First, I want to thank everyone SO much for their sweet comments!! It took a lot of time and work to get where I am today!

Tips for shedding lbs!- well the best tip I can give is to stay motivated and keep that desire to want to lose weight in your head... When you do "cheat" a little, just get back to that mind set of losing weight and get right back to your normal routine of eating and exercising and burn those calories you took in!:) I try to eat little meals throughout the day, my normal eat/snack times right now are 9, 12:30, 3, 6, and 8:30.

I have seen living proof (my aunts) of people that have lost so much weight and put it almost all back on because they let one "cheat" lead to another, and another...and another! That has given me the dedication to commit to myself and my health and to not let that happen to me!

And one last thing, I do have a blog, but have not been on it in awhile!! It's www.jennamarieslife.blogspot.com... you can email me at jbudden_29@hotmail.com!

If you missed any of my guest posts you defiantly need to check them out. All three are very inspiring in their own way! Melanie, Jenna, and Heidi.

POINTS = 12/23
WATER =  120 oz

note: Ok I had NO idea I had only eaten 12 points today. That is WAY too low for me. I don’t want you guys to think I’m starving myself. But it’s already 10pm so I really don’t want to eat anything more. I am going to make a conscious effort tomorrow to get all of my points in. I don’t want my body to think I’m going from one extreme (eating a lot on vacation) to another (eating only 12 points/day).

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Finally Friday Updated at : 8:07 PM
Friday, March 26, 2010

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