Happy February everyone! Sorry for my downer post last night. Not sure where my focus was, but I got it back today!!!

Last night I whipped up a breakfast cookie that I’ve seen for quite sometime all over the blog world. I followed this to make mine. It consisted of 1/3 c oats, 1 small banana, chocolate PB2, 1/8 c skim milk and 1 TBS chopped chocolate chips for a total of 5 points.

Ok my “cookie” needs help. It didn’t set up like I thought it would. It was pretty much the same consistency that it was last night when I spread it out on the plate. Is this right? Would protein powder make it set up more? What should I do different? Anyone who has perfected this I would love to hear from!!DSC05910

But before I enjoyed my breakfast I got in 25 minutes on the cross ramp at the gym. I did intervals and rocked out my heart rate! Wow…it was a short workout, but a great one!

I couldn’t wait for my morning snack. Kyle and I picked up strawberries at the grocery store this week. They were on sale for $2.38/lb! Best price I’ve seen all winter long! It was the usual combo, 1 1/2 c strawberries, 1/4 c grape nuts, and light strawberry yogurt for 3 delicious points! DSC05911

One of my staff members is on vacation this week so it’s defiantly going to be a busy week at work! It was after 1pm and I still hadn’t gone to lunch yet. I decided to test of a new (to us) flavor of fiber one bars we picked up at Sam’s Club on Saturday, oats & strawberries with almonds for 2 points. It was just ok, I like the chocolate or the peanut butter one better. But the price was nice, only $4.41 for 20 bars! DSC05912

Lunch was left-overs, but it sure didn’t seem like it! I had the last serving of cheesy crock-pot chicken with 2/3 c brown rice for 8 points. I went high on the points because the piece of chicken was quite large. DSC05913

I peeled an orange while I was home to have later in the afternoon for 1 point. But man I didn’t get back to work till almost 3pm, so I didn’t have much of an afternoon left!DSC05914

After work I met Kyle at the gym for my second workout! And I was determined to met my goal I was supposed to make by the end of January, running a 5K in 31 minutes or less. And I did just that! I smashed my previous time from last Saturday, running 3.1 miles in 29:51!! Kyle was right next to me on a treadmill ready to high five me when I was done!

After our workout we headed home for supper. I knew I didn’t have many points left over. I decided to start out with a protein shake/smoothie and see how I felt hunger wise when I was done! My smoothie consisted of 2c of strawberries, 1 vanilla yogurt, 1/8 c milk, and 1 scoop of protein powder. 5 points for both glasses! I was double fisting it tonight!! But I didn’t end up drinking both, Kyle had a sip and LOVED it, so I shared! 3 points for my serving. DSC05915

It’s now after 8pm and I still feel completely satisfied, so I’m calling it a day for my eats!

January Goal Recap:

1. Run 5K < 31min – well you already read about this!! Boo-yah!!! Ran 3.1 miles in 29:50 today!!

2. Workout 6 days/week -- I started back on 1/13/10. So out of 19 days in Jan that I was back, I worked out 14 of them. Which averages out to about 5 days/week. I was hoping to go for 6, but feeling under the weather didn’t help last week.

3. 166 lbs 1.31.10 -- And I also didn’t make my last goal of being 166 on 1/31/10. On Saturday I weighed 167, so close!

January was a great month with a wonderful start (again!) on the road to a healthier me! In just 2 ½ weeks I lost 7.5lbs and I’m gaining back my endurance! Hoping to make a February an even better month!! Check out my February goals on the right under my progress pictures!

POINTS = 22/23
WATER =  116 oz
EXERCISE = 25 min cross ramp/35 min treadmill (29:50 5K)

Don’t forget: If you have any tips for the breakfast cookie I would love to hear em!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Ready For a Fabulous February Updated at : 6:20 PM
Monday, February 1, 2010

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