Hey all! I’m always a slight bit sad when Sunday  nights roll around. It means its the end of the weekend and another work week is ahead. But today I am a little happy. I didn’t have the best day,eating wise, and I’m ready to at work where my “routine” makes it easy to eat good.

Kyle and I made it to church this morning. Afterwards we picked up some groceries and then met up with his parents for lunch. Once again, like last Sunday, it was a buffet. :( But I feel good about the choices I made there.

First plate: peaches, cottage cheese, hard boiled egg white, broccoli, & ranch. I didn’t eat the cucumbers, they had a funny sauce on them. 5 pointsDSC05904

Kyle brought this sweet little piece of monkey bread back and I thought I wanted it. I took a little nibble and decided NO WAY!! I knew I did NOT need all that sugary sweetness. DSC05905

And my last plate: 1/2 c mashed potatoes, corn, and chicken thigh (I took the skin off). I didn’t eat the peas (forgot that I’m not a fan!) and or the ham (too salty). 7 pointsDSC05906

I rounded out my meal with this yummy little ice cream cone. I’m estimating 4 points for it. Kyle took the picture and wasn’t paying attention to what he was doing! :pDSC05907

Kyle and I decided NO BUFFET FEBRUARY! Ugh…there is NOTHING good about them. I would WAY rather go somewhere else, order my food, and only get that amount and not be tempted to go up for more!

We helped a former co-worker of mine get her house back in order. She was on a 3 week vaca and got new carpet all throughout her house while she was gone so it was in quite disarray!

When we got home Kyle and I both had the same idea…nap time! But for some reason before I went to to sleep I had a ton of BLT’s in the kitchen while putting away the groceries. Ugh, I have no clue why I do this. I wasn’t hungry…NO CLUE on the points. But it’s over and I’m moving forward.

Oh and I did end up napping…for almost 2 hours! It was divine! :)

Supper was another Sunday repeat. BBQ chicken pizza! Click here to get more info on it. 8 points. Like my pink china? This is the only plate big enough to hold an entire flat out! I got the china at an auction before I got married for about $5! I LOVE anything pink! :) DSC05909  

Sorry this post is a little blah, I’ve just felt like that all day! But I am happy to say I got a little gumption and I have my gym clothes ready, bag packed, food ready, and breakfast in the fridge! I’m gonna have a SUPER week!!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Lazy Sunday! Updated at : 8:16 PM
Sunday, January 31, 2010

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