Happy weekend everyone!!!

I started mine out without an alarm going off!! Unless you count the slight whimpers of Abby (my dog!) begging us to wake up to let her outside to do her duty! Kyle & I hit the gym first thing. I did a 25 minute run on the treadmill and finished off with 25 minutes on the bike. For some reason I just wasn’t “feeling” the run, not sure what my deal was.

We came home and Kyle got ready for work and I made us breakfast. I made mini pancakes for myself and chocolate chip pancakes for Kyle! My 7 little pancakes with 1/4 c sf syrup was just a mere 4 points!DSC05887


Kyle headed off to work and I caught up on blogs….until the doorbell rang! Look what the mailman delivered, a whole box of oranges from my Momma & her hubby, who are wintering in Texas. The oranges are organic, i.e. never been sprayed with chemicals! So of course I had to peel one to test them out for a yummy 1 point addition to my breakfast! It was juicy & delicious! Thanks Mom! :) DSC05888DSC05889

I had a lunch date with my sister & her hubby from Omaha and then also our Dad and G-ma. They picked a new Chinese buffet in town. Well since Kyle and I ate a late breakfast I decided to go for the company & conversation, but no food! I just sipped on a diet pepsi and didn’t feel deprived at all!!

Afterwards I came home turned on some Black Eyed Peas and got to work! I cleaned the kitchen, sorted the recycle, ironed clothes, started the laundry, picked out my work outfits for next week, and did our menu & grocery list for next week!

Using the menu planner last week was a TOTAL SUCESS! I love that we know what we’re going to eat each night and have the groceries on hand to make it! I’ve got mine all ready for next week, along with my grocery list in order of how we walk around the store!DSC05903

I found these magazines in my recipe book stash and got SO many ideas from them!! I might just have to get a subscription! DSC05902

I had a late light lunch because we had plans to go out for supper! I made a chicken salad with cheese on a thin bun with a side of cottage cheese and peaches for 6 points. DSC05890

Kyle got home from work and we headed to a town just a bit south of us for a Sam’s Club run! The moon was a cool shade of orange right in front of us on the drive down!DSC05892

We wanted to go to Hickory Park (it’s a local favorite) for supper, but there was a 45 minute wait. So we went across the street and got Subway! I got the 6 inch turkey & ham on wheat bread with cheese, pickles, and cucumbers for 7 points. DSC05897

We stocked up on a some essentials we like to get at Sam’s Club, such as, Krusteaz pancake mix, gum, animal crackers, popcorn, fiber one bars (20 for $4.41!), hot chocolate, cereal, etc!! Almost $100 worth! :)

We stopped by my favorite ice cream place in town, Cold Stone! And I didn’t order the 23 point option either! I got the love it size sinless sansfat sweet cream with strawberries & granola. The total points for this came to 6, but I couldn’t finish it all. I should have just ordered the like it size! I am estimating I ate about 4 points worth. So yummy!!DSC05899

We enjoyed our ice cream on the way home and I was going through my newest reads I picked up at Sam’s. I can’t wait to try a few of the work outs I found in Oxygen! And I think the WW magazine paid for itself, I found $5.60 worth of coupons!DSC05901

Man the blog world is full of giveaways these days! Check out Endurance Isn’t Only Physical for an AWESOME runningskirts.com giveaway! I don’t have one yet and I’m crossing my fingers that I win!! Would be a great addition to my workout wardrobe!

POINTS = 22/23
WATER =  102 oz
EXERCISE = 25 min run/25 min bike

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Saturday Updated at : 5:25 AM
Sunday, January 31, 2010

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