Day 1 down...on to day 2 now!! So far, so good!! Being "back in the groove" of eating better is so refreshing!

I started out my day with a yummy gold delicious apple for 1 point. DSC04537

I planned on making oatmeal when I got to work, but got busy and didn't get it made. So around 11am I had a banana for another great 1 point snack. DSC04538

And of course I had to have my "morning mush" for 3 points! Oh how I missed you mush!! And I didn’t get a picture of it…but I know you guys know what it looks like…pre mush anyway!! :)

To expand one of my bullet’s about my busy summer…like I said I got a promotion. I am now the associate director in my office, which is great, but also requires more demand! So like today, I couldn’t leave for lunch at a “normal” lunch time because of meetings and helping some of my staff. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining at all. I love my job now more than I ever have! But I said all that to say this…I needed a quick easy lunch!

So I hurried home, let Abby (my little puppy) out to go potty, and heated up a Smart One’s dinner for 6 points. I only like a select few of these frozen dinners and don’t like to have them too often. For one I get burnt out and two, they are full sodium, I would way rather make my own stuff!! But it worked great today!!

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The work day flew by. And before I knew it 5 was long gone and it was already after 6 and I was still in my office. I knew I needed to get going because Kyle and I had a scheduled 7 mile run and it gets dark so early these days, we didn’t want to be running at dusk or in the dark! So I called it a day!

Got home and Kyle was already changed and ready to go. So put on my kicks (a new pink pair of asics!!) and we headed out the door. I started out great, but the sore-ness caught up with me quick. By mile 2 my legs were in a great deal of pain. Running those 10 miles on Sunday I think I used muscles I didn’t even know I had!! Wow!! We ended up calling our run short and only did 5 miles instead of 7 because of the pain in my legs. I decided it’s better to listen to your body than push through and get injured!

Kyle started up the grill when we got home and we grilled some chicken breasts and I steamed some veggies. It ended up being an easy, delicious, and filling 6 point supper!

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So I’m curious…those of you runners out there who have ran long distances, how many days of rest after your long run do you give yourself? And does your body adapt to those long distances eventually? We ran 10 on Sunday, rested on Monday, and ran 5 today. I’m not sure if we should have ran that 5 today for how my body is feeling. I know everyone is a little different, but I would love any feedback and/or advice you guys have!! We have a 12 mile long run scheduled for Friday and I’m quite nervous for it!!


POINTS = 17/22
WATER = 96 oz
EXERCISE = 5 mile run

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Running Advice Needed!! Updated at : 6:35 PM
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

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