I can’t believe it’s been almost 3 months since I’ve blogged! But I’ve been a busy girl!!

Here is a quick re-cap of my past 3 months!!

  • I got a promotion at work.
  • Kyle and I are still training for the 1/2 marathon in October.
  • Spent lots of time w/friends & family over the summer.
  • Worked a lot!
  • Gained 12 lbs! Yikes!!
  • I turned 25!!!
  • Iowa Hawkeye football season started about 3 weeks ago!  (we have season tickets!!)
  • Two of my closest friends at work left. :(
  • Worked some more…are you seeing a trend here!! In August I worked over 70 hours/week!

Enough of that! All that matters now is that I’m back and ready to kick these lb’s I gained!! Not really liking these tight size 10’s!!

Since I’ve been working so much I haven’t been to WW since July. But I hope to go back next week. I hope they haven’t kicked me out…I don’t think you can get kicked out when you’re a lifetime member…or I hope so anyway!!

Today is Day 1 (again) for me!

Yesterday Kyle and I stocked up at the grocery store on all kinds of good, healthy food! Feels good to have a nicely stocked fridge!! Oh and we also did a long run, our longest yet training for the 1/2 marathon…10 miles!! Wow, it was pretty hard, but I had such an accomplished feeling when we got done!

I started my day out this morning just like I did so many mornings this last winter and spring! Oatmeal with blueberries and a sliced apple for a total of 4 points! It was wonderful!! I felt so satisfied! But did forget to snap a picture! I so want to get back into that habit, I know it was a huge part of my success in losing weight!

I couldn’t wait for my morning snack! I haven’t had my “morning mush” in a LONG time! I did the same combo of yogurt, 1/4 c grape nuts, and 1 1/2 c strawberries for a total of 3 delicious points!!DSC04530


I had a late lunch today, but it was worth it because Kyle happened to be home when I got there! I made a chicken salad sandwich w/cheese, had 1/2c cottage cheese, some carrot chips, and 1 c grapes for a total of 7 points.

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Look what happens everyday after I leave my house from lunch…my cute little puppy jumps up in her chair and watches me drive away!! So cute!!



Work dragged on so much today! But 5 o’clock finally came around and I jetted out of there right away! Kyle was working late so when I got home I got right to work cleaning, organizing, doing laundry, etc!! Feels so good to get some of that stuff done. And I re-organized my closet…I need to take a picture, ‘cause it looks awesome!!

It was raining all evening and was dark by the time Kyle got home so we didn’t get a run in today, but I welcomed a day of rest. After running 10 miles on Sunday my legs and hips muscles are SUPER sore!!

Since I was a cleaning/organizing fool I didn’t get supper made. So it was easy food! Kyle and I both had cold cereal! I had 3/4 c honey nut cheerios and a small sliced banana for 4 points. I love this combo!!


Well my first day “back on the wagon” was great! Hoping to see that # on the scale go down!! Looking forward to doing some catch up on everyone’s blog and see how ya’ll are doing!! :)


POINTS = 18/22
WATER = 70 oz
EXERCISE = none…does cleaning count?!?!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Long Time W/No Blogging = Weight Gain Updated at : 7:10 AM
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

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