Hello everyone! I have to apologize I didn’t get a chance to blog this weekend. It was a CRAZY, busy, FUN weekend!!

Here’s a recap, might be a little long!

Friday morning I hit the gym extra early because I had to be to a breakfast board meeting by 7:30am. So I got in a 22 minute run and 25 minutes of weights and abs. I got ready fast and jetted off to my meeting. I knew what restaurant we were going to so on Thursday I checked out their online menu and the NI and figured out what I could eat for what amount of points. So I ended ordering the multi grain pancakes with sf syrup and a small cup of fruit. The website said each pancake was only 50 calories and 2.5 grams of fat, which comes out to 1 point. But they were fairly good sized so I counted 2 points each and ate 2 pancakes, leaving 1 on my plate. Oh and I ate the cup of fruit for 1 point as well, for a total of a 5 point yummy breakfast out and OP! No picture though, I wasn’t about to whip out my camera and have to explain everything to a table full of accounting executives!

I didn’t get back to the office until after 9am and felt behind the rest of the day! No good! By 2pm I hadn’t gone to lunch yet and my SIL called to see if I could make it to her wedding dress fitting. I was more than ready to get out of the office so I said yes, took off work early,  and headed up to see her. She looked GORGEOUS! I wish I could show you a picture, but should probably wait until after the wedding!

Throughout the morning and early afternoon I did have a few snacks.

I had my 3 point snack of yogurt, strawberries, and grape nuts.DSC02503 Before I left the office I had a sliced cucumber with ff ranch for 1 point.DSC02504 On the way to the bridal shop I snacked on a cup of grapes for 1 point. DSC02505

I  got home a little before 6 and DH  was working away on some work stuff and I was EXHAUSTED! I think mainly from the crazy day at work. I grabbed a bunch of snacks and hit the couch. I think all my snacks totaled about 10 points. I didn’t take pictures or journal them. 

I fell asleep before 7pm and DH woke me up around 9pm to go get groceries since our Saturday was full with the shower at our house. So we picked up a few groceries and called it a night!


POINTS = 20/23
WEEKLY ALLOWANCE POINTS = 8 used/27 remaining
ACTIVITY POINTS EARNED = 4 today/13 week
WATER = 106 oz
EXERCISE = 22 min run, 25 min weights & abs


Saturday I woke up with the chickens!! (not literally!) Just too early for a Saturday. I had to make a rice krispie log for the shower and forgot to get marshmallows at the grocery store Friday, so I hit Wal-Mart quick and whipped up the “log”! This is a family specialty!! I didn’t get a picture, but I will be making one for my boss’ birthday on Tuesday so I’ll show you then! Not ww friendly, but SUPER good & easy! :)

I had lots of my “to-do” list for the day, so I had to stay on track! I worked out from 8am-9am (45 minutes cross ramp), tanned, and then had to do a few things for DH until after 10am. Then I got my nails filled (priorities right!?!?!) and shopped a tad! Got a new Fossil watch, a Hurley tee (LOVE IT!), roxy flip flops, and some new tanks. I didn’t get pictures of any of it, but will hopefully to show off my loot!! :)

After that I rushed home and tidy-ed up the last bit in the house and then showered and dressed quickly before the in-laws got to my house to set everything up for the shower!

We got everything set up in plenty of time and had a WONDERFUL shower! My living room was PLUM FULL!! We had about 30 guests total and my SIL and soon-to-be BIL got lots of great things! MIL took care of all the food for the shower. She had angel food cake with fresh strawberries and ice cream with topping choices of oreos, M&Ms, and cookie dough bits (DH hooked us up with stuff from Wendys!). Mmmmm!!! I had 2 ice cream sundaes and a slice of angel food cake with strawberries throughout the whole day.

I didn’t have time for breakfast, which was probably a really bad choice of mine because then I ended up eating WAY too many sweets at the shower. DSC02516

Got back to the house and everyone helped clean up and get my house back in order. FIL and DH worked on our vehicle (new brakes and put our custom chrome rims on!). DH & I both really appreciated everyone’s help all day!! It was a GREAT day and I have “0” complaints!!

My friend/co-worker texted me and said they were going bowling at 10pm! So of course we had to join them!! It was super fun, even though we didn’t bowl very well! And then we went down to a bar/restaurant for the rest of the night and got home WAY too late!! Totally worth it though…it was a FUN night (with a tad too much alcohol!)


POINTS = ????? TOO MANY!!!!
WEEKLY ALLOWANCE POINTS = I’m saying they’re all gone!
ACTIVITY POINTS EARNED = 4 today/17 week
WATER = 50 oz
EXERCISE = 45 min cross ramp


Sunday was SO hard to get out of bed! But we did it!! DH had to usher at church so we had to be there extra early! 4 hours of sleep is just NOT enough! :)

After church we went and sat with DH’s family while they ate quick so SIL could get on the road. We didn’t eat though because we had plans with my Mom!

We met my Mom and her hubby for brunch. It was a FULL HOUSE, we had to wait for an hour for a table. But boy, was it worth it! Wait no…I didn’t mean to write that!! lol Once again, too many points!! They had this French toast that tasted more like a cinnamon roll…everything was AMAZING!! They had both a breakfast buffet and a full lunch buffet!! Too much food!! But we had a wonderful time with my Mom and her hubby. We don’t see them as much as we would like to and they only live 30 minutes away!

And the other thing is that I forgot to take a picture with my Mom. :( But I had to put one up, so here is one from my wedding! 8489689-R1-034-15A

After brunch with Mom and her hubby, DH and I headed home and CRASHED!! We took a couple hour nap and then got up and went to DH’s boss’ house to let out their dogs. They have two sch-noodles, cross between a poodle and something else, either a shitzu (sp?) or a schnauzer…I can’t remember! But they look a lot like Abby, little, white, and fluffy!!DSC02548

Here are a few shots I got of Sophie and Max! They are fun and Abby loves her friends!! :)DSC02540DSC02536

When we got home we went over to go help our neighbor. He is building a new garage and attaching it to his house. So right now he is getting everything taken out of his old one and storing in our garage. Then we drove around looking at siding colors! It was fun!! While out, we stopped at a ice cream shop and got some ice cream!! I had a small strawberry cone but really I was still full from that GIANT brunch we had!! Oh and neighbor also showed me a short cut to get on the running trail. I used to run almost a mile just to get there and there is a trail that connects with it pretty much in my back yard!! I was pretty excited about that!!


POINTS = ????? TOO MANY!!!!
WEEKLY ALLOWANCE POINTS = I’m saying they’re all gone!
ACTIVITY POINTS EARNED = 0 today/17 week
WATER = 75 oz

And that about sums up my weekend! It was super fun and went WAY too fast!! I plan to be back to my “regular blogging schedule” now! :) I hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day and weekend as well!!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Days 185-187 (Friday 5/8, Saturday 5/9, & Sunday 5/10) Updated at : 9:56 AM
Monday, May 11, 2009

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