It's officially the weekend everyone...YAH!!!

First of all my camera battery was dead yesterday so I have ZERO food pictures for you guys...but I'll just do a quick list and get on with it!

B: english muffn w/cream cheese 2 points
L: Smart One's Creamy Rigatoni 6 points
S: Club Crackers 3 points
S:Lean Pocket & Chicken breast 10 points
S: Honeynut Cheerioes 4 points

Nothing too exciting!! My day at work was crazy. I was gone most of the morning on tours and then it just flew after that...I couldn't believe I didn't need a snack throughout the day!!

After work DH and I didn't have much planned so he made his usual salad and we vegged out on the couch. Once our supper settled I wanted to go for a run AND convinced DH to join me!! It was so fun and so much easier to run with a buddy rather than by myself. We did about 2 1/2 miles. I was so proud of DH for making it that far. I would have keeled over way before we finished if I was him (hasn't exercised much lately).

Oh and he did tell me that he has now lost 19 lbs!!! I can't believe it...he is doing so good...I need to get back into that losing mode. I've just been mainting since my Florida trip over a month ago....sigh.

So as you can see Friday's foods and happenings weren't too exciting but I had to do my post!

Not much planned for the weekend. DH is working today (Saturday) so I plan to clean, shop, run (hopefully a 5K), and who knows what else...maybe tan...pedicure...get my nails filled!!! Crap...that's a lot I need to get going!!! Hope everyone has a SUPER weekend and I'll see you later tonight for my Saturday post.

WAIT.....I just thought of something exciting about Friday.....DH sent me a beautiful spring boquet of flowers at work with a card that said "You're the best!"!!! I think he's the best. Once my battery charges I will take a pic and get it posted!! Ok...now I'm really going to head out...lots on the to-do list!! :)
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 164 (Friday 4/17) Updated at : 7:13 AM
Saturday, April 18, 2009

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