Happy Friday to everyone! This week has just completely slipped by me! I’m sorry I’ve be slacking in my blogging…I hope you don’t abandon me! :)

Wednesday I had good intentions of going to the gym, but didn’t make it. And I didn’t beat myself up over it.

Breakfast was a bowl of grapes for 1 point. I have so much fruit in my fridge I figured I need to eat that because it’s not like the oatmeal in my cupboard is going to go bad like all the fruit I have! So be prepared to see lots of fruit in this point!! :) DSC02269          

And later on in the morning I had another 1 point serving of grapes. I knew eating only 1 point for breakfast I would need more throughout the morning to keep me satisfied. I just have to say that these are so SUPER delicious grapes…so crisp!DSC02269

I had another morning snack on Wednesday too! My favorite combo of strawberries, yogurt, and grape nuts for 3 points. DSC02270

I kept lunch light because I knew we were going out in the evening. I had a heaping serving of honeydew and cantaloupe and 1/2 cup of cottage cheese for 3 points. DSC02271

I usually do my younger sister’s taxes and for some reason this year I totally put it off till the VERY last minute. I knew I needed to finish them before we went out for the night…doing taxes after a few margaritas….not a good combo! lol So I hurried to get those done and then DH and I headed to our favorite Wednesday night spot! We ended up running into friends, neighbors, AND family while we were there!! I had two soft shell tacos, a few chips & salsa, 3 margaritas, and 3 light beers for WAY too many points! Let’s see…I think it would be around 26 points! But we had fun!

We ended up staying longer than planned and I think we were both WIRED when we got home! Didn’t get to bed until after midnight…too late for an old married couple in the middle of the week!


POINTS = 34/23

WATER = 72 oz




I actually felt great Thursday morning. DH didn’t have to work so that made it hard to get out of bed in the morning, but other than that I was great!

I started out my morning with more fruit! I had a banana on my way to work for 2 points. DSC02272

Later on in the morning I had another fruit…grapes this time for 1 point.DSC02273

And before lunch I mixed up strawberries, yogurt, and grape nuts for 3 points. I don’t think I will ever get sick of this combo…I hope you guys don’t sick of hearing/seeing it!DSC02274

I headed home for lunch anxious to see DH. I love it when he has days off in the middle of the week and I get to see him on my lunch break! I had something quick, simple, and new! Heather has had these on her blog a time or two and I found a coupon for them so I decided to try them out! It was pretty good. I think next time I might add some more broccoli and chicken and maybe make two meals out of it!. It came out to 5 points and filled me up great!DSC02275



After work I hurried home to see what DH wanted to do for the night. And I had completely forgotten about meeting up with a friend who is moving out of town. So I knew I had to get my stuff done and wanted to meet her. So my hope of spending the evening with DH on the couch quickly changed. But that’s ok!

I took Abby out on a 2.5 mile run. She is so funny. I wish I could teach her to pace herself. The first mile she is sprinting and at the end of her leash and by the end of the run she is barely keeping up with me and I had to even slow my pace down! Total with a cool down I got in 30 minutes. Felt AWESOME!!

When I got back DH was making his GIANT salad…it is huge. I should take a picture of it sometime. He puts it in a serving bowl instead of a regular cereal bowl because it could never hold it all!! He is feeling much better…thanks for the well wishes everyone!

I decided to head back outside (it was 68 degrees today!!) and get some more raking done. Got another section of the yard done and it’s starting too look much better! We just need to get it greener!! :)

After that I cleaned up a bit and headed to one of my favorite Mexican restaurants EVER to meet up with my friend Laura who is moving about 4 hours away. She is so fun…I’m going to miss her. So we, of course, had to have a margarita!! Now these are WAY different than the ones I have at our Wednesday favorite spot…these are BIGGER and WAY more alcohol. Laura ordered the EXTRA large one. And I just stuck with the regular! Here is mine: (I had 2!)DSC02279

And here is Laura’s – it’s like the size of her head!! Literally!!DSC02278

Some of her other friends came to so it was fun to mingle and chat with them. One of them ended up living 3 houses away from me and is a HUGE Iowa Hawkeye fan and we talked Coach bags, jewelry, accessories all night! It was fun!! I think she is my new best friend!! :) lol

We all ordered the mini chimi’s…they look like egg rolls, but are mini chimichagas smothered in a white cheese sauce that is TO DIE FOR!!!I have no clue on the points…just too many I know! :) It was a fun night and so great to see Laura before she heads on to her next adventure!

I promised DH I wouldn’t have margaritas tonight…2 nights in a row is enough! :) But we’ll see what the night brings! lol

Well I need to get to work. It’s visit day today and we have lots of kids coming to campus and I have to give tours. And when I hear that I think **EXERCISE** get to get outside and walk around campus!! WooHoo!!

I hope everyone has a SUPER Friday and I hope to “see” you all later tonight for my Friday post! :)


POINTS = too many to count/23

WATER = 72 oz

EXERCISE = 30 minute run and 20 min yard work

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Days 162-163 Updated at : 7:23 AM
Friday, April 17, 2009

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