BREAKFAST: Oatmeal (I didn't eat the apple till lunch). 2 pointsMORNING SNACK: Yogurt w/Grape Nuts. 2 points
LUNCH: Turkey & Cheese Wrap and an Apple. (I didn't eat the cucumbers...too full). 6 points
SUPPER: Ham & Turkey Sub & Strawberry Beach Smoothie (made w/Splenda). 10 points

WATER = 82 oz
EXERCISE = 35 min Cross Ramp & 15 min interval training

So I am really beginning to like doing my workouts in the morning. At first it's always hard to get out of bed, but once I get going its great. This morning I did the cross ramp (Not sure if that is what it's called, but that is what it says on the side...so that's what I'm calling it!) again and tried to really push myself and felt like I got a great 35 min workout!

At lunch I went the gym also. I have weigh in tonight for ww and really want a loss. I didn't have a lot of time so I did a 15 min interval session. I read a bunch about it and sounds like it's good for weight loss and it's a great way to get beyond a plateau (I haven't hit that yet and I hope I don't!). Below is what I did, but just added a couple more minutes of Hard/Easy to make it 15 minutes. And boy are my legs burning....feels great!

Today I worked on goals & rewards for myself. It was kinda fun! Check out the sidebar to the left to see what I've set for myself. I'm especially excited about being 170 and getting a new pair of jeans! Right now mine are all either way too big or way too small! And I know they will only be a temporary pair!

Well wi for WW was tonight. I didn't gain, but lost .4 lbs. At first I was disappointed because I really thought I did well over the Thanksgiving weekend, but then decided that being disappointed is, in no way, going to help lose any more weight this next week. I have think positively!

I was reading my new Fitness magazine when I got home from WW and look at this great point they had in it:
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 30 (Tuesday 12/2) Updated at : 6:42 AM
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

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