BREAKFAST: Oatmeal & an English Muffin w/Cream Cheese. 4 points
LUNCH: Turkey & Cheese Wrap, Strawberry Applesauce, Broccoli, & Cauliflower w/Cheese. 7 pointsAFTERNOON SNACK: Cucumber w/ff Ranch. 2 points
SUPPER: Progresso Beef Pot Roast Soup & 2 Slices of Bread w/Butter. 5 points

WATER = 130 oz
EXERCISE = 30 min bike & 10 min run/walk

This was the first morning this week I didn't get up to work out in the morning. I only have a 1/2 day at work today (can't tell you why yet though!) and so I knew I could get a longer workout in this afternoon. And to my surprise my sister & her husband just joined the same gym I go to. So it will be great to work out together! I need to be better about getting all my points in for the day...that's my goal for tomorrow...eat 24 points!

Last night at WW they were talking about moving more and ways to change or make your workout more appealing. I decided that my goal is for 2009 to sign up for a cardio kickboxing class. It is something I've always wanted to do and so I'm just going to do it! It was fun to hear the ideas. A lot of people seem to use the Wii Fit. I haven't tried it yet, but my sister has it so I am hoping to try her's out sometime. Have any of you tried this? What do you think?

I entered the Mary Lou's Weigh Platform Giveaway!
Check out Roni’s Weight Loss Blog for more information.

Here is a picture I found of a "Cross Ramp". I think it is similar to the elliptical, but you can make your strides longer and your arms don't move. I think it's similar to a stair machine too...but the gym I go to does not have those. Hope this answers some confusion I have may caused since I don't know the correct terminology!

This picture is in response to a post from "58 Day Challenge". If you can't read it I typed out what it says below. Hope this helps!

Snacking on nuts may help you shed pounds. Researchers found that people who ate almonds as part of a low-calorie diet for six months lost 18% of their body weight-slimming their waistlines and reducing body fat to boot. (Scientists suspect that the fiber-plus-protein combo keeps hunger in check.
You have just read the article News for today's that category by title Day 31 (Wednesday 12/3). You can bookmark this page with a URL https://news-these-days.blogspot.com/2008/12/day-31-wednesday-123.html. Thank you!
Posted by: Tukiyooo Day 31 (Wednesday 12/3) Updated at : 6:33 AM
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

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