Get your flu shot for your protection ...developing...

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The man of God from Texas:  Rudy Davis The man of God from Texas: Rudy Davis

Rudy Davis:  The man of God... All these guys are related in their deception: Rudy Davis (a.k.a. badfinger) G4T (and his many aliases) Pasto...

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A Word To The Wise A Word To The Wise

You'll know I am really pissed off, when I get very quiet.

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U.K. Civilian and Military Police LOCKDOWN UK pubs U.K. Civilian and Military Police LOCKDOWN UK pubs

Visible drug deterrents in UK Military and Civilian Police Audition for New World Order...   ...developing...

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G4T reports the truth on the economic recovery G4T reports the truth on the economic recovery

Retail gas sales drop 50% What exactly is going on? Find out from George4Truth, George4Title7, The Road to Freedom, and many other sites tha...

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FUKUSHIMA FALLOUT in California is not true FUKUSHIMA FALLOUT in California is not true

George4truth reports the truth Formerly G4T but now a real truther George Hemminger reports on what is really going on in California.  He us...

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American media reports Obama is dead American media reports Obama is dead

The stupid news media in action We have much incompetence today across America and much is being done in the name of entertainment.  But the...

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WATER EMERGENCY across Charleston, West Virginia region WATER EMERGENCY across Charleston, West Virginia region

*****DANGEROUS WATER ALERT***** Storage tank leak leaves Elk River contaminated *****FEMA REGION 3 ACTIVATED***** FEMA dispatched to the are...

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The G4T FETISH continues The G4T FETISH continues

The credibility of INFOWARS is next since G4T and others are highly affiliated with INFOWARS and Alex Jones.  In fact many of  these people ...

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It Was A Dark And Stormy Night It Was A Dark And Stormy Night

It is, too. Fuckin' wind is just howling outside and it's raining sideways, hard. Lovely weather. My wife's little cat hasn'...

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It's Caturday! It's Caturday!

So here is a stupid video, with a stupid song, about stupid cats.* Otherwise known as a Trifecta of stupidity. *Damn, that's a new low e...

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Gardasil: My Daughter’s Worst Nightmare Gardasil: My Daughter’s Worst Nightmare

  'Cancer is a frightening word. Any parent in the world would do whatever was in their power to protect their child from this terrible...

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How Sitting For Prolonged Periods Is Stalling Your Metabolic Machinery And What To Do About It How Sitting For Prolonged Periods Is Stalling Your Metabolic Machinery And What To Do About It

'There are serious consequences that result when the muscular engine sits on 'idle' and in long periods in sedentary positions. ...

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Food can be medicine or poison  --the choice is YOURS Food can be medicine or poison --the choice is YOURS

  'The other day, an acquaintance asked me for some advice for his wife, who has long suffered with symptoms of inflammatory bowel dise...

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How to Cook Healthy in a Tiny Kitchen How to Cook Healthy in a Tiny Kitchen

Photo Credit: Renegade Health 'A couple of weeks ago we did a survey that some of you answered. Here’s a question that we received, whi...

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Here's one of those SILVER STACKERS Here's one of those SILVER STACKERS

Is this guy an ass clown pumper? You just never know... ...developing...

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Debt and Deflation Explained Debt and Deflation Explained

Of course this is ENTERTAINMENT :-) ...developing ...

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The George Washington Bridge Controversy The George Washington Bridge Controversy

Governor Chris Christie PRESS CONFERENCE http://www.balaamsassspeaks.blogspot.com/2014/01/goodyear-blimp-in-new-jersey-springs.html

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Department of Transhuman Intelligence Department of Transhuman Intelligence

TRANSHUMANISM and CYBER-WARFARE The ever expanding technology at U.S. CYBER COMMAND The next evolution of intelligence Are you ready for thi...

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Don't put your life on FACEBOOK Don't put your life on FACEBOOK

The idiots of FACEBOOK Our lives are heading for PUBLIC DISPLAY on SOCIAL MEDIA.  That's very dangerous to issues of privacy.  So if you...

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