BIG News!!! BIG News!!!

Hope everyone had a great “hump” day!! Mine was SUPERB!!! I’ll tell you why in just a bit, but first here was my day in a nutshell. :) I g...

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Un portail web pour l'emploi Un portail web pour l'emploi

Un nouveau portail internet est lancé en commun par cinq syndicats et deux organisations patronales pour donner accès aux sites utiles sur l...

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Walking is highly underrated Walking is highly underrated

I went for a walk last night. A real honest-to-goodness walk, outside, in the fresh air. I haven't done that for weeks. Usually if I wal...

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Take that week 1!!! Take that week 1!!!

So today marked the start of week 2. So this morning I hopped on the scale first thing to see the results from my first week.         Drum r...

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Sweeteners - NuStevia - good stuff Sweeteners - NuStevia - good stuff

I've always had a sweet tooth that just doesn't stop. Anything with sugar in it was my favorite food. Unfortunately, as with most fo...

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Women, Food and God - really? Women, Food and God - really?

At first I was all set to run out and buy this book. I buy almost every weight loss book that comes out, every strength training book, every...

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Let the week begin! Let the week begin!

Monday, Monday! It isn't the most fun day of the week, but I with my day yesterday, I was ready to meet it head on !! Except... I ski...

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Art In Goldfield & Tonopah: Contrasting Aesthetics Art In Goldfield & Tonopah: Contrasting Aesthetics

The art scene in Tonopah could never be mistaken for the art scene in Goldfield. The main feature in Goldfield – and there is no competition...

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Sunday Prep Sunday Prep

I hope everyone had a great weekend! They are my 2 favorite days of the week! :) Kyle, Wendi, and I started our Sunday out with church. Af...

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Where do bloggers go when their blogs die? Where do bloggers go when their blogs die?

I cleaned up my blog list tonight. There were blogs on there where people hadn't posted for over a year. Several hadn't posted for o...

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Sunshine + 70 degrees + bike = happy girl Sunshine + 70 degrees + bike = happy girl

I just finished the perfect bike ride. The weather is spectacular, slight breeze, 70 degrees, not a cloud in the sky. It was on my normal tr...

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Danger, Will Robinson! Danger, Will Robinson!

“Danger, Will Robinson!” is a catch phrase from the 1960s’ American television series Lost in Space spoken by voice actor Dick Tufeld. The R...

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Sunny Saturday Sunny Saturday

Happy weekend everyone!! If you follow me on twitter you may have noticed an early morning tweet. That’s right, 6am on a Saturday Kyle and...

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Planning de la semaine du 12 au 16 juillet 2010 Planning de la semaine du 12 au 16 juillet 2010

Permanences Le Conseil Général du Loiret sera présent dans les locaux de la Maison de l'Emploi du bassin d'Orléans - le lundi 12 ju...

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Feelin’ Better Friday Feelin’ Better Friday

Since I didn’t get a workout in on Thursday I knew I HAD to get up Friday morning and burn some calories! I skipped the gym though because ...

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