5 Ways to Be Layoff Proof 5 Ways to Be Layoff Proof

While on the job, do you feel the hot breath of an economic downturn blowing down your neck? With all the turmoil in the economy, it's e...

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10 Companies Hiring for the Holidays 10 Companies Hiring for the Holidays

Although the economy is showing signs of recovery, there are still millions of people looking for work. Although full-time employment may be...

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6 Seasonal Jobs You Never Thought Of 6 Seasonal Jobs You Never Thought Of

What do you do during the winter months? Celebrate some holidays? Prepare to adopt a healthier lifestyle on January 1? Wrap yourself in an e...

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Don't Want to Grow Up? - 5 Great Jobs for the Young at Heart Don't Want to Grow Up? - 5 Great Jobs for the Young at Heart

Kids are always so anxious to grow up. They want to skip through their adolescence and teenage years, moving straight into adulthood. We see...

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10 Careers to Avoid Boredom 10 Careers to Avoid Boredom

No matter where you are, boredom is one of the worst things ever. But, arguably, the worst place you can be bored is at work. Boredom at wor...

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Planning de la semaine du 05 au 09 octobre 2009 Planning de la semaine du 05 au 09 octobre 2009

Permanences Le Conseil Général du Loiret sera présent dans les locaux de la Maison de l'Emploi du bassin d'Orléans - le mardi 6 oct...

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Johnny Yuma And The Rabbit Johnny Yuma And The Rabbit

Yesterday I drove North along 93 and 318 up toward Ely on my way to Elko. North through a golden October afternoon with the desert grasses t...

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4 Mindsets of a Successful Leader 4 Mindsets of a Successful Leader

4 Mindsets of a Successful Leader Have you found yourself thinking of starting your own business? Are you trying to climb the corporate ladd...

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Sunrise in hell Sunrise in hell

Yes, I'm still here, another night in paradise. Or hell, however you want to look at it. Sadly, it sounds like I'll be back Monday. ...

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Remembering to smile Remembering to smile

Okay, I need an attitude adjustment. I just got up, checked email, wrote a status email for work, then read my last two posts. I need to get...

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Still hanging on...just barely Still hanging on...just barely

I'm still in San Francisco. Not a whole lot to say tonight. I'm very tired, frustrated, not exactly happy. More tired than unhappy t...

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Where are YOU? Where are YOU?

In a dark hotel room, somewhere near the San Francisco airport, my cell phone rings at 12:37am. I awake from a sound sleep to answer it. Me:...

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Las Vegas II Las Vegas II

Did you know that right in the middle of this desert city is a swamp? There is. It's a wetland preserved as a park by the County. Two of...

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L'Argonne fête sa rentrée L'Argonne fête sa rentrée

Samedi 3 octobre 2009, venez rencontrer la Maison de l'Emploi du bassin d'Orléans lors du forum des associations et des services de ...

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Hiring Manager Secrets Hiring Manager Secrets

How to earn extra cash in the tough economy Adapted from "Career Building: Your Total Handbook for Finding a Job and Making It Work&quo...

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6 Ways to Expand Your Job Search to a Different City 6 Ways to Expand Your Job Search to a Different City

Every day, more and more people are searching for work. And every day, there are fewer and fewer jobs available -- or so it seems. If your j...

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The scar The scar

I'm in a hotel in San Francisco, alone. I'm here for work. I am not having fun. Major problems with my project at the airport. Back ...

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Achy Breaky Heart And The Kingdom Of God Achy Breaky Heart And The Kingdom Of God

Last Sunday we said goodbye to Fr. Ed Lovelady who is retiring from All Saints, Las Vegas. It was a fantastic service. It was tri-lingual an...

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I give up I give up

I give up on ever wearing these size 7, slim fit jeans. I've had these jeans in my closet since 1997. That was the last time I weighed 1...

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Planning de la semaine du 28 septembre au 2 octobre Planning de la semaine du 28 septembre au 2 octobre

Permanences Le Conseil Général du Loiret sera présent dans les locaux de la Maison de l'Emploi du bassin d'Orléans - le mardi 29 se...

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