Strait of Hormuz and Syria Strait of Hormuz and Syria

Geo – Strategic Puzzle - Black Gold  THE SYRIAN, LEBANESE , IRAN - STRAIT OF HORMUZ  USA CONNECTION  Recent war mongering between IRAN and ...

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i'm joining Bloglovin' i'm joining Bloglovin'

Its a great site and a cool way to find some really awesome blogs. Check it out and ...  Follow my blog with Bloglovin !

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Deadly Obsession: Alfred Hitchcock's VERTIGO Deadly Obsession: Alfred Hitchcock's VERTIGO

by guest contributor R.D. Finch "What's that old Oscar Wilde thing? 'Each man kills the thing he loves...' That I think is ...

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2012 arrives... 2012 arrives...

...and A Month of VERTIGO is about to begin...

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Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year blogger friends :). I wanted to swing by real quick this morning to wish you and your family the very best for 2012! As I loo...

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It's going to be a long and busy day It's going to be a long and busy day

Just had breakfast of an egg, thin slice of Canadian bacon and English muffin. It as a frozen store brand, Fred Myers here, but probably Kro...

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Weigh In + Weekly Goals + More Christmas Celebrations Weigh In + Weekly Goals + More Christmas Celebrations

Well the verdict is in.... I am up 0.5 lbs and I'm okay with that.  After the serious eating challenges I've had almost the entire m...

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IMF Seeks Collective World Bailout IMF Seeks Collective World Bailout

Now IMF Seeks Collective, World Bail-Out of Europe via The Daily Bell December, 2011 – by Staff Report IMFwants the world to save Europe .....

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Fairbanks, Alaska...hell has frozen over Fairbanks, Alaska...hell has frozen over

I'm in the hotel dining room and just had a quick dinner of a salad and a hamburger patty. I took off the bun, and just ate the patty wi...

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NO PROVE - NO VERIFICATION  Since the beginning of the uproar in SYRIA, mainstream media, political analysts etc. have been speculating abou...

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Common interview questions -- and how to answer them effectively Common interview questions -- and how to answer them effectively

Robert Half International Every hiring manager has a different set of go-to interview questions. In a recent survey by our company, we asked...

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Really? Fairbanks again?! Really? Fairbanks again?!

I swear I have the most dysfunctional, crazy, weird family in the world, and I don't mean that in a good way. After weeks of listening t...

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