Getting old sucks! Getting old sucks!

My sister is 17 years older than me. I'll be 54 in a few weeks and she'll be 71. It's actually kind of nice having a sister so m...

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I'm sick of being sick I'm sick of being sick

I have a cold. Yesterday was the worst of it, I seriously thought I was going to die. I wanted to die. Today is better, but I'm still un...

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SNC de retour en septembre 2009 SNC de retour en septembre 2009

La dernière permanence de Solidarités Nouvelles face au Chômage (SNC) du mois de juillet a eu lieu il y a deux semaines. Les permanences de ...

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Live From Anaheim IV.5 Live From Anaheim IV.5

Addendum to post earlier today: I forgot to mention a high point of the Eucharist today was Elisabeth von Trapp singing Peace Perfect Peace ...

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Live From Lambeth IV Live From Lambeth IV

The first issue for Stewardship Committee yesterday was a Resolution calling on all Episcopalians to contribute 80 cents per year to foreign...

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Planning des permanences - Semaine du 13 au 17 juillet 2009 Planning des permanences - Semaine du 13 au 17 juillet 2009

Permanences Boutique de gestion - vendredi 17 juillet de 9h à 12h30 Ateliers Recherche d'emploi sur internet - jeudi 16 juillet de 10h...

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I want a divorce because you're fat -- Part 2 I want a divorce because you're fat -- Part 2

In April I wrote a post entitled I want a divorce because you're fat . It was about a friend of mine who is overweight, and his wife was...

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Time and Discernment: Abiding Time and Discernment: Abiding

I am up at 2:30 a.m. with ecclesiastical insomnia. I am reading Rabbi Jesus to help me remember what I am doing here. While taking a break f...

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Live From Anaheim III Live From Anaheim III

It was a brain numbing soul draining day of parliamentary procedure in the House of Bishops. In the midst of it, good was done – but I am ex...

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Book Recommendation Book Recommendation

I awoke this morning chuckling over the wit of a book philosophically inclined Christians would love -- There Is A God by Anthony Flew. A gr...

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CamelBak…well kinda! CamelBak…well kinda!

Since we are training in the dead of summer and getting into longer runs we decided to needed to have some hydration mid-run! I did some res...

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Live From Anaheim II Live From Anaheim II

There are so many things going on here all the time. It's hard to keep up and harder still to tell a coherent story of it. The work of t...

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S'ouvrir les portes de l'environnement : visite d'entreprise le 15 juillet S'ouvrir les portes de l'environnement : visite d'entreprise le 15 juillet

La Maison de l'Emploi du Bassin d'Orléans organise une visite d'entreprise pour découvrir les métiers de l'environnement (po...

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Live From Anheim I Live From Anheim I

After an uneventful drive to Anaheim, it has been good to see people -- good to see Nevadans and good to see freinds from around the Church ...

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Planning des permanences - Semaine du 06 au 10 juillet 2009 Planning des permanences - Semaine du 06 au 10 juillet 2009

Permanences Boutique de gestion - vendredi 10 juillet de 9h à 12h30 Le Conseil Général du Loiret sera présent dans les locaux de la Maison...

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Southerners In Camp; Deacon In Elko; Clarinet In Synagogue Southerners In Camp; Deacon In Elko; Clarinet In Synagogue

Yesterday, I struck out from Camp Galilee much impressed with their progress. Aside from the spectacular growth in attendance, I was taken w...

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Mise à jour au 1er juillet 2009 des "Chiffres sociaux utiles" Mise à jour au 1er juillet 2009 des "Chiffres sociaux utiles"

Le 1er juillet 2009, le salaire minimum interprofessionnel de croissance (Smic) a été revalorisé de 1,3%. À compter de 2010, le SMIC sera re...

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Rapport 2008 de l’Observatoire national sur la formation, la recherche et l’innovation sur le handicap Rapport 2008 de l’Observatoire national sur la formation, la recherche et l’innovation sur le handicap

L’observatoire national sur la formation, la recherche et l’innovation sur le handicap (ONFRIH), institué par la loi du 11 février 2005 sur ...

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I’m Still Alive….and I’m a Lifetimer!!!!!! I’m Still Alive….and I’m a Lifetimer!!!!!!

Hey everyone!! Wow…I can’t believe June is gone!!! Things in my house have been SO crazy!! But it’s been a great start to summer so far!! ...

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Baseball, Crawdads, and Ministy in NW Nevada Baseball, Crawdads, and Ministy in NW Nevada

It all began with car trouble at the airport, but we made it to Camp Galilee where I found the greatest team of camp counsellors I have ever...

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