U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander James Hoeft going ashore ... thanks for 20 years of service U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander James Hoeft going ashore ... thanks for 20 years of service

The Watch Aye mates, for 20 years This Sailor has stood the watch. While some of us were in our bunks at night Seaman Hoeft stood the watch ...

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Va Dems circle wagons ... Va Republicans join in circular firing squad Va Dems circle wagons ... Va Republicans join in circular firing squad

Attacking Republicans seems to be the sport of the day, not only by Democrats, but also within the Republican Party. Recently, Marco Rubio a...

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Announcing VPOD: 'Virginia Politics On Demand -- Conservative Reason for the Commonwealth' Announcing VPOD: 'Virginia Politics On Demand -- Conservative Reason for the Commonwealth'

 [Originally posted on May 14, 2013] There's a new source for conservative commentary and political analysis in Virginia. Up and going f...

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