An anti-nuclear protest in Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 2007 — the anniversary of the atomic bombing of the city by the United States in 1945. (Photo/Xinhua)

Japan's Plutonium Problem -- Shannon Tiezzi, The Diplomat

Japan’s stockpile of plutonium is causing concerns regionally and globally.

According to the Japan Times, both Japanese and U.S. government sources have confirmed that the Obama administration wants Japan to return over 300 kg of plutonium that was given to Japan “for research purposes” during the Cold War. It’s estimated that the plutonium could be used to make between 40 and 50 nuclear weapons. The plutonium is currently kept at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency’s fast critical assembly.

Japan’s government initially was reluctant to return the plutonium, saying it was needed for research on fast reactors. Now, however, sources say Tokyo has agreed to the request. The U.S. and Japan are expected to reveal a formal deal at next month’s nuclear security summit in the Netherlands.

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More News On Concerns Over Japan`s Stockpile Of Weapons Grade Plutonium

Return arms-grade plutonium: U.S. -- Japan Times/Kyodo
China ‘extremely concerned’ over Japan’s plutonium stash -- Japan Daily Press
China wants Japan to remain nuke-free -- Business Standard
China concerned at Japan holding weapons-grade plutonium -- Reuters
China questions Japan over weapons-grade plutonium -- Global Times
Beijing calls on Tokyo to return plutonium to US -- China Daily
Tokyo plutonium stockpile cause for worry -- Global Times
China questions Japan on weapons grade plutonium -- Xinhuanet
Japan secretly developing nuclear weapons: Yazhou Zhoukan -- Want China Times

My Comment: The Chinese are deeply concerned .... and it is justified .... but I just wish the Chinese were also concerned with North Korea`s nuclear program .... and the dangers that it possesses.
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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

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