Ukraine Suffers 'Black Day' That Will Never Be Forgotten -- Ian Traynor and Harriet Salem, The Guardian

Assault on Independence Square in Kiev left at least 26 people dead, 10 of them police officers

Beneath the gilded column known as Stella that towers over Kiev's Independence Square, the charred, black remains of Ukraine's battlefield bore witness to the saddest, grimmest 36 hours in the young country's history.

On Tuesday morning, the public space was an encampment of tents and soup kitchens occupied mainly by youthful and peaceful protesters sick to the back teeth of the corruption, cronyism and misrule of their president.

By Wednesday afternoon, the area was occupied by ranks of interior ministry troops, special "Berkut" security forces, and common police in full body armour. They lined up five-deep on a smoking wasteland of burned out buses, smouldering fires, collapsed sodden tents, almost three months of thriving protest ruthlessly reduced to shards of timber and rubble.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

'Truce' declared in bloodied Ukraine, but will it last? -- Phil Black. Michael Pearson and Victoria Butenko, CNN

Ukraine is now in a potentially revolutionary situation -- Mary Dejevsky, The Guardian

Answering Ukraine's bullets -- Christian Science Monitor editorial

On Syria, a spymasters’ conclave -- David Ignatius, Washington Post

Obama Speaks Loudly In Syria, But Carries A Small Stick -- Ruchard Cohen, IBD Editorial

Syria, Iraq, Lebanon: The New AfPak -- Anno Bunnik, National Interest

Time for the 'Never Agains' on North Korea -- Nicholas Eberstadt, Wall Street Journal

America's Failing China Paradigm -- Gordon G. Chang, National Interest

Can France and the African Union bring peace to the CAR? -- Janet Weinstein, Al Jazeera

In Bosnia, economy still struggling with fallout of civil war -- Phil Cain, McClatchy Foreign Staff

Argentina's Downward Spiral -- Jaime Daremblum, Real Clear World

Congress Is Loving the Army to Death -- Max Boot, Commentary

Our Decadent Elites -- Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- February 19, 2014 Updated at : 4:00 PM
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

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