Norway and Denmark are providing transport to take the weapons from the port of Latakia. BBC

Syrian Chemical Weapons Stalling Tests Limits Of U.S.-Russian Deal -- Reuters

(Reuters) - At a closed door meeting, Western governments led by the United States took Syria to task for failing to surrender its chemical weapons under ambitious deadlines agreed with Russia after a poison gas attack in August.

Speaker after speaker stood up to berate Damascus at the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), until it came to Russia's turn and Moscow took a much more lenient view - the international split over Syria writ large.

Russia defended President Bashar al-Assad and said his government needed more time to ship the chemicals safely through territory where it is fighting rebels.

Read more ....

Update: Third shipment of chemical weapons leaves Syria - UN -- BBC

My Comment:  The Syrians are doing everything at their own pace because they know that the U.S. and the EU are not in a position to do anything but complain.
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Monday, February 10, 2014

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