Pete Souza/White House

Slaughter In The Cities, Ineffectual Mumbling In The White House -- Walter Russell Mead & Staff, American Interest

This is what a policy looks like when it dies and goes to hell. The FT reports that violence is ramping up in Syria, with Assad agents using devastating “barrel bombs” against rebel areas. More:

According to the opposition Syrian National Council, 20,000 people have been killed in barrel-bomb campaigns since the start of the conflict in 2011. A Turkish official said about 2,000 had been killed since peace talks began in Geneva last month. The Damascus reg­ime has failed to offer an explanation for the bombing, but insists in its official media and during the Geneva talks that it is fighting a war against terrorists [...]

Residents say not a single building in rebel-controlled parts of Aleppo has been spared from damage in the bombing. Pictures from the city show entire districts reduced to ruins. One video shows people digging a toddler from the rubble. The little girl survived.

The President can only count his one remaining blessing: the press is still busy trying to shield itself from understanding the full damage this administration’s painfully inept Syria policy has done. Our Syria response has harmed America’s position, our alliances in the Middle East, and our relationships around the world — to say nothing of the humanitarian disaster we’ve implicated ourselves in.

Read more ....

My Comment: In all fairness to President Obama .... he has only followed a policy that most Americans are agreement with ... namely .... to not get involved in another war. But a leader must lead, and in this case not becoming involved may lay the groundwork for a far worse disaster in the future .... as Syria is rapidly becoming.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo This Is What A U.S. Policy Looks Like When It Dies And Goes To Hell Updated at : 9:10 PM
Monday, February 17, 2014

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