Syrian rebels fire a rocket-propelled grenade towards a government controlled army checkpoint in the Ain Tarma neighborhood of Damascus. Hundreds of British jihadis have returned from fighting in Syria, sparking a terror alert in Britain

British Jihadism In Syria Poses Lasting Problem For UK Security, Says Minister -- The Guardian

James Brokenshire says hundreds of Britons have taken up arms in conflict, and people should not be travelling to Syria

A Home Office minister has warned that British jihadists' involvement in the ongoing civil war in Syria represents a growing long-term concern for UK security.

James Brokenshire, recently appointed as immigration minister, told the BBC that hundreds of Britons had taken up arms in the conflict, raising lasting worries for the security services.

Asked whether those fighting in Syria could threaten the UK on their return, he said: "We remain vigilant to the risk that individuals may travel back and I think we will have an enduring position where the focus around the potential threat arising from Syria will remain with us for many, many years to come."

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More News On The Fear That Britains Have Been Radiculized By The Syrian Civil War

Hundreds of British jihadis returning from fight in Syria spark terror alert after police and MI5 thwart Mumbai-style attack on London -- Daily Mail
Return of 250 British jihadis from Syria 'serious threat', says minister -- The Telegraph
Jihadists training in Syria pose security threat for England -- UPI
Growing fears over Britons radicalised in Syrian conflict -- The Independent
Syria security risk a big problem for UK - Brokenshire -- BBC
Swelling tide of European jihadists -- Abdel Bari Atwan, Special to Gulf News

My Comment: This will be a lasting problem for UK security .... but it pales in comparison to what Syria is going through right now .... and in the future.
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Monday, February 17, 2014

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