
What will Janet do?

The Federal Reserve Bank

The economic trends may be shifting again as the U.S. STOCK MARKET recently pulled back substantially on the announcement of tapering by The Federal Reserve Bank.  After listening to this former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts I'm now convinced that any further substantial decline in the stock market may result in some extremely undesirable market conditions.  Perhaps we will hear from the new Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen this week at the FED as she's sworn in to take her position:

I have a QUESTION about the Federal Reserve:  Since the Federal Reserve Bank is a "PRIVATE" bank then why is the website a "dot GOV" address?  Can anyone answer that? 

The latest policy issue caused quite a stir on Wall Street as the markets have turned down now and become incredibly volatile and extremely erratic as a result of HIGH FREQUENCY TRADING ALGORITHMS.  This is resulting in increased difficulty for the investor and various trading systems could trip the markets into and undesirable sell off which has financial analysts concerned. 

The talk continues by the analysts trying to figure out whether the economic recovery will continue unabated by any serious market instability as the latest FOMC statement indicated to continue with their maximum employment and price stability measures.  This however does not seem to be calming a growing fear factor among the investment community and financial firms as even a Wells Fargo spokesman expects at least a 15% MARKET CORRECTION on the news.  

LISTEN to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts discuss this with Eric King regarding the FOMC announcement and the resultant global market instability we are seeing now.  There's also a rumor that Christine Legarde is putting pressure on U.S. BANKS and although this rumor cannot be fully substantiated there are already signs that this may be an accurate observation:


Dr. Paul Craig Roberts shows up on King World News again:

Banks Questioning Depositors


It's being reported that banks are beginning to interrogate their account holders as to why they are withdrawing money and what they intend to spend it on.  There are reports that people are being placed on SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY LISTS for withdrawing their own money for their own personal reasons:

This is very troubling as we learn that there is a general trend in government at showing increased signs of unconstitutional behavior and threatening we the people with disciplinary measures when in fact no crimes are being committed.  The excuse is often made that these are Homeland Security measures to keep our nation safe from domestic terrorism however is a direct violation of the rights of we the people.

We certainly are in growing perilous times and these reports are already beginning to cause quite a tumultuous atmosphere of concern across this nation.

Janet Yellen is basically Bernanke VERSION 2.0

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Is the U.S. ECONOMY at a CROSSROADS or IN PERIL? Updated at : 5:39 AM
Saturday, February 1, 2014

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