European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton (L) and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif pose before the start of a conference in Vienna Feb. 18, 2014. Photo by Reuters

Iran And World Powers Agree On Framework For Nuclear Talks -- New York Times

VIENNA — In what officials described as a serious, workmanlike and conversational atmosphere, Iran and six world powers have agreed on a timetable and framework for negotiating a comprehensive agreement to end the confrontation over Iran’s nuclear program, the European Union’s foreign policy chief and Iran’s foreign minister said on Thursday.

While details were vague and the two delegation leaders declined to take any questions at a closing news conference, they said that groups of experts would meet early in March and that the full delegations would meet here again on March 17, with the expectation that they will meet monthly.

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More News On The Iranian Nuclear Talks

P5+1 and Iran agree on nuclear negotiation framework in Vienna -- CNN
Iran nuclear deal framework 'agreed' in Vienna -- BBC
Iran Agrees on Agenda for Nuclear Talks -- Wall Street Journal
World powers and Iran make 'good start' towards nuclear accord -- Reuters
Framework for nuke talks agreed upon, Iranian official says -- Haaretz
Iran, world powers off to 'good start' in nuclear talks -- L.A. Times
Iran, world powers agree nuclear talks timetable -- Global Post/AFP
Iran nuke talks end, next round March 17 -- Washington Post/AP
EU: Next Round of Iran Nuclear Talks Set to Begin March 17 -- Voice of America
Iran Talks Set Five-Month Plan for Race to Final Nuclear Accord -- Bloomberg Businessweek
P5+1 Talks Drill Down On The Future Of Iran’s Nukes -- Michael Adler, Daily Beast
Negotiators put acrimony aside to pursue final Iranian nuclear agreement -- Christian Science Monitor

Update: U.S. negotiator at Iran talks heads to Israel, Saudi Arabia -- Reuters
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Iranian Nuclear Talks Progressing? Updated at : 11:00 AM
Thursday, February 20, 2014

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