The people protesting in Kiev voted to reject the Presidents deal and have not only not backed off of their demands but have expanded their defenses and have expressed their determination that all of their demands be met.

These folks are putting it all on the line.
Their freedoms and their lives, all of it. They are facing years in prison, torture and government sanctioned lethal force.

I'm thinking some politicians in this country had better sit up and take notice as to just how pissed off these people are, they are dead serious.

They are rioting over there over some of the same tyrannical laws that have recently been passed in this country.

Things like making it a felony to protest around politicians ring a bell? Free speech zones maybe?

This bears watching closely because it is very possible that this country could be in the same situation in the not too distant future.

I wish them the best of luck.

If you want to watch live coverage as it unfolds, Sam Kerodin has a Live Feed up from behind the barriers.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Ukranians Double Down Updated at : 3:22 AM
Friday, January 24, 2014

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