Renee stands alone...again!

Drita meets with her music producer, Anthony, in the studio. She did great on “the last thing” says Tony, almost like it was so long ago he couldn’t remember it. Neither can I. She wants to lay down a new track that sounds different and “Money Bags” is just perfect, she loves it. She is going to “blow it out the f*ckin’ box.” Method Man was there, says Anthony, and Drita freaks out because he is her favorite rapper OR one of her top five rappers, you decide. So she is buggin’ out over do a rap song with him. See, maybe it’s just me, but if Drita was going to do another rap song shouldn’t it have been on the heels of the first one? Anyway good for her. (Insert eye roll)

Renee is justifiably furious after leaving Alicia’s house because she all but called her a “rat.” Big Ang blames Alicia’s comments on her being on edge. Renee says Alicia was insinuating she was a “rat” and “no one in 44 f*ckin’ years” has ever said Renee was a rat because she is not. Big Ang thinks Alicia still has a thing about Renee and Carla on the wire tap. Renee reads her a text from Alicia saying she knows she has her best interests at heart, but whoever she is talking to does not. Renee is pissed about her allegations. Renee is trying to get past her own problems and now Alicia wants to bring her down! Seems like Ang keeps making excuses for Alicia, even though she is supposed to be very close with Renee and her family, I don’t get it. Alicia didn’t have any proof and yet she attacked Renee at her dinner table when Renee went there to support her. No one said a word in Renee’s defense. WTH? Big Ang defends Renee on Twitter?

Next thing we know, Drita is “apologizing” to Alicia for stressing her out more with their visit. Really Drita? What did anyone do to stress out Alicia?  Drita says she thought the comment she repeated, about Alicia knowing everything her husband does, came from Alicia to Renee. Alicia is pissed that Renee is digging up dirt about her, from other people who heard the wire taps, and is afraid it is going to hurt her case. She feels Renee is behind her business being leaked to the press. Seems like Alicia wants her business kept private so is that why she put herself on national television airing all her own dirty laundry? Why doesn’t anyone say that to her face because I am dying to hear the answer! But, Drita seems to be siding with poor, poor pitiful Alicia. Once again a friend of Renee’s is siding with the “outsider” she just met 5 minutes ago. Alicia says she wants to sit down with Renee and give her a chance to explain herself. Excuse me? “Explain herself?”  I don’t think Renee has anything she needs to explain. If you don’t want people talking about you, then don’t give them anything to talk about, Alicia!

Drita is trying to write a rap song to go with the words “money bags,” but she is completely stumped. She says writing is usually easy for her, but apparently she has writer’s block. She shows Aleeya what she is doing, writing words to the beat. I could do without these rapping scenes, I think they are “fillers.” Next.

Natalie is out with her boyfriend, London. They have been together a year and a half now. She loves him. She wants to talk about their future, long time goals. He lives in New York and she lives in SOUTH Philly. She wants him to move to Philly where her family and business are located. The long distance relationship is hard. He says he is taking it one day at a time. She can’t keep doing the back and forth forever. I agree with her, she should stay in Philly and let him go back and forth, and leave us all the hell out of their bedroom scenes.

Renee’s house. Renee hates the words “leak, rat, snitch” that Alicia throws around. Then she gets a letter from Junior and her skin begins to crawl. She is in complete shock. She calls her friend, Nikole, to tell her about his letter. Junior’s letter says he has a year to go and then he wants to get back together with her. He loves her and wants to start over. He says he can forgive her and hopes she can forgive him. Renee has nothing to be forgiven for and wants nothing to do with him. AJ walks in and she asks him to have a seat. She is agitated and she wants him to see Junior’s letter. AJ stops her cold, and he says if this has to do with his father he doesn’t want to hear it, he is moving forward. Renee says she wants to be left alone and doesn’t want Junior bothering her. I don’t understand how anyone in witness protection are allowed to write letters home which could make an “enemy” aware of their location? Junior cooperated with the Feds on several mobsters, including Renee’s father, and he thinks he can just stroll the streets of New York again? The skeptic in me doubts there even is a letter from Junior, but it makes for good television.

Natalie drops in on Alicia. Alicia says she is irate. She says she called Renee to invite her to lunch to discuss what happened at her house. One of Alicia’s friends told her to look at Renee’s twitter, she has a message on it for Alicia. Why hasn’t Alicia seen it for herself, they follow each other on Twitter? Anyway, Alicia is beyond pissed. People are telling Alicia everything Renee is tweeting, oh dear, and they are hurtful and malicious things about her. Poor, poor pitiful me. Alicia says Renee is sharing everything about Alicia with her best friend Carla. Natalie is more convinced than ever that she wants nothing to do with Renee. So does that mean she will quit or be fired from Mob Candy and Mob Wives? We can only pray! Alicia wants Renee to come clean and admit she is talking about her. I’m still waiting for Alicia to come clean about lots of things, but it ain’t happening.

Renee meets her friend Carla, who she has known for 35 years. They grew up together with many other friends, in Staten Island. She is filling Carla in on all the stuff going on with Alicia. Renee says Alicia came to her house and talked about Renee and Carla being on the wire taps. Carla tells Renee that years ago she got a letter from the Federal government saying that she was on the wire tap. Renee now knows that the tapes are not as secret as Alicia thinks. Renee tells her that Alicia doesn’t want Carla to be friends with Edward. Renee feels Edward is still close to Carla. Carla says he even asked her to help pick out a gift for Alicia. Carla says Alicia can’t comprehend the term “friendship.” Carla is a married woman with a child, and she remained friends with Edward. Renee says Alicia is implying that Renee is feeding Carla information and Carla is spreading it all over Staten Island. Carla says if she has an issue with her then she should take it up with her, “her door is open and her phone rings…ring it.” Renee says she isn’t the enemy but Alicia is treating her like she is. Carla says Alicia needs to come to her if she has any problems.

Back to London and Natalie in bed…with all the camera men around, how romantic! Love and chemistry…TAKE 1! They talk about getting a place together in New York, she feels it’s a step in the right direction. This is a step towards settling down and she seems happy. And really, who cares? Another filler scene as far as I am concerned.

Here again Ang sides with Renee on Twitter, but
never speaks up on the show?

Drita pops in at Ang’s to tell her about Alicia freaking out over Renee’s tweets. “Tweets?“ Really? Is that what should be of concern with her sentencing hanging over her head? What about the restitution to the truckers whose pension money you took? What about the fines the Feds want you to pay? I would think those two things would bump down the “tweets” on your list of concerns. Ang says she knows Renee wants to kill Alicia. Drita and Ang thinks it’s “nice” that Alicia invited Renee to lunch to discuss their issues. But now Alicia is pissed because of Renee’s tweets about the “damsel in distress act is getting old.” They both feel if someone has something to say, say it to the person’s face, not on twitter, text or facebook. Drita tells her Alicia is hurt and no one has ever treated her that way. Drita and Big Ang side with Alicia yet again. They feel Renee needs to respect Alicia if she wants respect. Hold up! I think it’s the other way around…Alicia attacked Renee twice without provocation! Wow what backstabbers! Is there even enough room on this blog for my comments?


TWO CENTS time out: Alicia confronted Renee twice, in an aggressive and accusatory manner, at what should have been a couple of nice gatherings. First she accused her of not telling her that Carla and Eddie were still “friendly” and eating Chinese food, because she heard her name on the tapes. This is what I want to know…WHY is Alicia just now listening to the tapes and hearing Renee’s name? She has already pled guilty to the embezzlement charges that happened 3 years ago. You mean to tell me she didn’t listen to the tapes during the past 3 years to see if she could explain away the “guilty” parts before pleading guilty? I think listening to the tapes on the show were, at best, a scripted “reenactment” of what may have happened long ago. And if so, she already knew Renee was mentioned long before signing up with Mob Wives. How about that?

This was pretty much Alicia's expression
all through the sitdown, enough said.

Then she went ballistic and accused Renee of talking to the newspapers about her “business” because who else could it be? Gee, I don’t know. It could have been anyone in Staten Island or Philly, that’s who. The media, especially The New York Post, seems to be especially interested in Alicia’s business. She has been dubbed the “Wise Gal.” So when she posts her “sexy” pictures in Vegas on social media, she should expect them to pick up on it and ask lots of questions. Alicia put her business out there…by being on a nationally televised REALITY show and tweeting her own pictures. Then she wants to point the finger at Renee without one iota of evidence? Stick a fork in me I’m D-O-N-E, done.


Doesn't Renee look great?

Renee and Alicia, both wearing black, meet up at a restaurant. They are going to have it out, like a showdown at the OK Coral. I can hear “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” theme song playing in my head! The tension is so thick you can cut it with a “butter knife!” Where is that Facciolo chick when you need her? Renee denies saying anything malicious to anyone about Alicia. Renee says it was simple conversation with people she knew, many of whom heard the tapes themselves. Renee tells Alicia she is getting defensive. Alicia is screaming. Renee doesn’t know what Alicia’s issue is. Alicia says she has every right to be mad at Carla. Alicia says she feels Renee is going back to Carla with everything she says. Renee wants to know if Alicia is implying Renee is a snitch. Renee is furious to be accused of something that is the worst thing you can call someone in her lifestyle. Alicia says she didn’t call her a rat. Alicia insists Renee was tweeting about her. “The Damsel in distress act is old,” tweet. Renee says those tweets were not about her. Alicia becomes more irate because Renee won’t own her tweets. Alicia says she knows what Renee is up to and she should bring it on. Renee says Alicia is out of her mind. Alicia asks if Renee was talking about her “supposedly” having a boyfriend. Renee says yes she had conversations about that, everyone on SI knows everyone’s business. Don’t forget the people in good old Philly, Renee, they know lots of things too. Alicia accuses Renee of trying to get all kinds of dirt on her and then tweets it out and won’t own it. They keep screaming at each other.

"I am a f*ckin' Goddess!"

Alicia thinks she is a goddess. Mob Mistress dubs her the “Goddess of Stolen Pensions & Cooking Books.” Renee tells her, “You are not that f*ckin’ interesting! You are not my type of person and I don’t like you as a person, I truly don’t, you are the ignorant fool.” Way to go Renee! Alicia says a so called friend of Eddie’s would never talk to her like that. What about the way you attacked a friend of Eddie’s when she was there just trying to help you, Alicia? Renee believes that ever since Alicia heard Renee’s name on the tape she has had it in for her. I believe the words “Chinese food and Carla” seem to set Alicia off. Alicia should get off Twitter and tend to her restitution, fines, boutique, children, and her Boo.

CHECK OUT the final scene of last night's show!

P.S. I do not know what s going on this season, but something stinks like limburger cheese!  I expected to see more of a New York/Philly war, but what I see is everyone against Renee. Four against one. It’s unbalanced and doesn’t have the ring of truth to it. What long time friends are going to side with an outsider over their own very long time friend? Drita and Ang are either following a script or have lost it.

P.S.S. I think I speak for all fans when I say we would love for Karen to step in, at least in the finale, and she tell Alicia what she didn’t like about all the things she had to say! Now that would be the dream finale of season four!

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Mob Wives: Recap “Eat Worms B*tch,” Ep 408 Updated at : 7:35 AM
Friday, January 24, 2014

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