In case you didn't know, I was a registered Democrat my whole life up until recently.
Even worse, I was a Liberal Democrat.

However, and this is important, I always had a really strong independent streak, ie, Libertarian and couldn't for the life of me figure out why perfectly well educated people couldn't understand what the Constitution means without some kind of interpretation.

You don't understand plain English? I sure as fuck do!

I always knew that part of me was there but I kind of suppressed it for a long time.

I also used to follow politics very closely and kept myself informed on what was being stuffed down our throats to the point I was virtually a Political Junky. I was basically making myself nucking futs .

I was very vocal and opinionated too, still am to a point.I finally just couldn't stand it anymore and had to get away from politics all together.

There came a point that I finally came to the realization after watching the system bounce back and forth for many years that there is virtually no difference in between the two major parties in this country when it comes down to fucking the little guy.

That would be me and you.

We are the meat in a Fuck You sandwich.

Either party will sell your rights down the river in a heart beat for a donation.

The reason I am going into this is because I pretty much abandoned the Democratic party a few years ago completely but never quite could make myself feel comfortable in the Republican camp either. The Democrats boiled this frog until I was livid but when I looked at assholes like Boehner, McConnel, Cheney and Grandpa Walnuts (McCain) I knew I just couldn't go there either.

One party is stupid and evil, the other is professionally evil, in my opinion.

My other blog was very politically oriented at times but when I let that shit go I decided to go with my gut and let my freak flag fly. I came out of the closet in a political sense.
Hence the views I impart here are more of a Libertarian/ Constitutionalist flavor.
Being very Pro 2nd Amendment always made me feel uncomfortable with the Democratic party anyway.

Just for shits and grins, I stumbled on this little quiz that will analyze what political party your answers most fit in with. There are more optional answers to the questions that they ask and I went through those on several questions, I suggest if you take the quiz that you look at those too.

I would have to say that I most certainly got that Democrat shit out of my system pretty completely according to the results of that survey.
My answers fit the Libertarian parties viewpoint to the tune of 89%. That surprised me.

This is not to say I am going to run out and blindly vote for whatever Peckerhead runs for office on a Libertarian platform mind you.

I am of the opinion that voting at all anymore just validates the continued UnConstitutional activities and decisions that we have been getting ass raped with for the past forty years.

Besides that, the documented cases of outright vote fraud and manipulations makes the result of any election suspect, especially when those votes are cast on electronic voting machines,not to mention the old Dead Democrats that vote early and often trick.

So please try not to hold my sketchy past against me. I learned one thing for a fact, the political process in this country is broken beyond repair.

Maybe old dogs can learn a few new tricks after all.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Boy, I REALLY Let My Freak Flag Fly! Updated at : 12:34 AM
Thursday, January 2, 2014

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