History beating Paris Hilton's younger brother Barron, which became known yesterday, becoming more confusing. Police said the culprit fight is still not found, and the identity of Lindsay Lohan and did not figure in the investigation.

Recall that Barron Hilton published a village in the Instagram photo of his bandaged face. Press reported that, according to the testimony of a young man, he was beaten on the afterparty in one of the luxurious mansions of Miami, and provoked the attack on him is Lohan.

Immediate culprit fight Lamon called Ray, who rented the house where the party was held .

Today from Sergeant Bobby Hernandez of the Miami Police Department received a completely different information:

We do not know whom to arrest. We need to talk with Barron, he pointed out that beating the culprit, but no such information, he did not give. Lindsay Lohan did not appear in the investigation of this case, her name is not even mentioned.

Now on suspicion of this offense the police are looking for a certain "white American, 25-30 years old, with dark hair, in a blue shirt and blue jeans . " It is reported that the suspect left the scene in a sports car green.

Was it the most Lamon - can only guess.

Barron Hilton and now silent, as the police say, it seems, are does not want to cooperate with the investigation:

from medical care, he refused. We arrived on the scene along with investigators, asked him a few questions, and then he left. When we were going to question him in detail, he refused to meet. Victims of crime behave differently, but this little weird.

Reported that in the following days of the order ministers tried to contact 19-year-old Hilton, but their calls he did not answer.

Paris itself, we recall, was furious to learn about the possible involvement in the attack on Lindsey Barron, and promised to avenge his brother.

Once they were friends, but now Paris threatens revenge for his brother Lindsay

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

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