TV presenter Joan Rivers thinks Jennifer Lawrence need to grow up. So she responded to the attacks against the actress her show "Fashion Police". A month ago, 23-year-old celebrity said that such shows should be banned because they instill in the younger generation the wrong values.

80-year-old Rivers says:

In the new year I wish Jennifer Lawrence to grow up, realize how lucky she and calm down.

I'm just in awe of how she speaks about the incorrectness of photo retouching in magazines . Meanwhile, her very much retouching: you just look at her nose on posters, it's not a nose, and two holes. She should remember that rude teach other people not to do something, when he do not follow his words.

Week ago, Jennifer Lawrence gave an interview on ABC television presenter Barbara Walters under the "Barbara Walters: 10 Most Amazing people 2013. " In an interview the actress said that it was necessary to deal with the humiliation of each other. As a first step it is proposed to prohibit by law to call someone "fat" on television. Obviously, host of the show "Fashion Police" took this statement at his own expense.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Joan Rivers: Jennifer Lawrence should grow Updated at : 1:15 AM
Thursday, December 26, 2013

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