Went with The Wife and one of her sisters to the Mall tonight to watch the new Hobbit movie.
Great movie in 3D, awesome visual effects, yadda yadda yadda.
Whilst circling the parking lot, during Christmas season no less, what do I see but one of these.

Right in the middle of the parking lot.

Pissed me off, of course.

I started bitching about living in a police state when my wife pipes up in a condescending tone and says, "it's just normal".

THAT pissed me off even more!
I told her, that's the fucking problem, it shouldn't BE normal!
It's like living in a fucking prison yard!
That is exactly how I felt too.
Like I was walking across a prison yard full of parked cars.


Then her sister pipes up with the old, "well what if a guy in a hockey mask carrying a gun is walking around?"

A true face palm moment.

There it is, conditioned to believe elevated armed police posts in public are "normal".

Not where I come from sister.

That's pretty much it for me.
I have been putting it off but if it's to the point I see armed police guard posts in the fucking parking lots around here, I'm gettin' a concealed carry permit or finding out why not.

This supposed to be a "Shall Issue" state.
I am going to find out.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo It Shouldn't BE Normal, That's The Fucking Problem Updated at : 8:17 PM
Saturday, December 14, 2013

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