That sound you just heard was Wirecutter cheering his head off.

This is big.
It's a huge win over the patently Anti Gun bastards in Kalifornia, especially that no good AG Kamala Harris.

The fact that a federal judge saw these laws for what they are -- baseless restraints on the exercise of a fundamental civil right -- is monumental," explained Gene Hoffman, Chairman of The Calguns Foundation. "California's waiting period laws for those who own guns is not Constitutional and this order really underlines the point."

In his order, Judge Ishii said that Harris has "not presented sufficient evidence to show that the [10-day waiting period laws] passes either intermediate or strict scrutiny."

About the laws being challenged in the case, named plaintiff Jeff Silvester of Hanford, California, said, "I have a license to carry a loaded firearm across the State. It is ridiculous that I have to wait another 10 days to pick up a new firearm when I'm standing there in the gun store lawfully carrying one the whole time."

"This is certainly an exciting development in Second Amendment case law," noted Brandon Combs, an individual plaintiff in the case and the Executive Director of The Calguns Foundation. "If our Constitution means what it says, then California's gun waiting period laws have to be overturned and law-abiding people must be allowed to exercise their rights without irrational infringements."

Regardless of the final decision at the district court, the case is virtually certain to end up at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and possibly even the United States Supreme Court.

Read more here.

My sincere thanks to the fine gentlemen over at WRSA for green lighting this.

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Saturday, December 14, 2013

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