Is a stealth Right to Work effort brewing in Columbus? Thomas Suddes  Cleveland Plain Dealer   ... fretting about whether this General Assembly will spring so-called Right to Work (for Less) on Ohioans isn’t a symptom of paranoia. Instead, it may be common-sense caution...
ALEC’s Latest Trojan Horse: The Attack on Standards and Safeguards Moves to the States  Center for Effective Government   ..., these pieces of legislation serve as a Trojan horse designed to quietly shut down state efforts to establish public protections that ensure all their residents enjoy safe and healthful lives...
The 10 Companies Paying Americans The Least: 24/7 Wall Street  Huffington Post   ...CEOs at nine of these 10 companies are paid more than $10 million annually, while Michael Duke and Howard Schultz, CEOs of Walmart and Starbucks, each receive more than $20 million per year...
Three Million More in Poverty than Previously Estimated  The Real News   ...the West now becomes the area that has the highest poverty rate, at about 25 percent of their population being counted as poor...
Deadly tornadoes hit US Midwest states  BBC News   ...Powerful tornadoes have swept through the US Midwest, destroying buildings and overturning vehicles in the states of Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky...
The People Can Defeat the Trans-Pacific Partnership  Counterpunch   ...The broad bi-partisan opposition announced this week shows that winning Fast Track has very little support in Congress.  In fact, the letters may be the death knell for such legislation...
Qatar migrant workers 'treated like animals' - Amnesty  BBC News   ...Amnesty says migrant workers are often subjected to non-payment of wages, dangerous working conditions and squalid accommodation. The rights group said one manager had referred to workers as "animals"...
Rights group: Gulf must increase worker protection  Associated Press   ...Riots have broken out in Saudi Arabia as authorities crack down on laborers without proper visas. In Qatar, rights groups and others have raised concerns about living and working conditions for crews building venues for the 2022 World Cup. ...
Mexico officials find 8 bodies in border city home  Associated Press   ...the bodies were found early Sunday and apparently were members of the same extended family. He said exact ages were not yet available but three of the dead appeared to be children and five were adults...
Something stinks in Wisconsin  Center for Media and Democracy   ...Wisconsin is home to two SPN right-wing think tanks: the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute (WPRI) and the MacIver Institute for Public Policy. While WPRI and the MacIver Institute claim to be focused on issues important to the people of Wisconsin, both push a right-wing agenda dictated by their right-wing funders and partners, such as the Bradley Foundation...
Workers Standing Together to Demand Respect at Taylor Farms  Labor's Edge   ...at Taylor Farms in Tracy, the bosses are threatening and intimidating workers as part of a campaign to stop those workers from joining a union...

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Today's Teamster News 11.18.13 Updated at : 4:01 AM
Monday, November 18, 2013

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