After one month of official launch of Windows 8.1, Microsoft is working on its updates. According to rumors, Microsoft will bring the start menu back in updated version i.e. "Windows 8.2". The updated version of Windows OS will be introduced in January 2014 for only Windows 8.1 users.

Start Menu will Make Entry Again in Windows 8.2: Rumours

Many users have been reported about the Start button, one of the user's comment, "The designers of the 'reintroduced' start button must have realized they weren't really giving us what we had asked for. I half suspect they purposefully left out a "hide start button" option so that when we inevitably ask for the option to go back to the windows 8 design, they can say "told you so"", one of the user write on the forum.

Microsoft was replying continuously that they are working on it and they will release an update as soon as possible. Surely when windows 8.2 update will come, start button may be there, rumors says.

The update will be available only for the Windows 8.1 users, Windows 8 users can't use the start menu until they upgrade their OS to Windows 8.1. Rumors have another information  that every user of  Windows 8.1 will get free access of Windows 8.2 and its update.

Start menu is the only feature of Windows, which made rumor in the market, none of other features make any leak through this way. Microsoft did not make any comment on the rumors. So all the information related to Windows 8.2 would be rumors until Microsoft will not make any statement on it.

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Start Menu may be Placed Again in Windows 8.2: Rumours Updated at : 2:41 AM
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

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