So I have yet to be spanked for real.  Just tell him, y'all insisted.  Don't waste years upon years of spankability by being embarrassed, y'all said.  Once he tries, he'll love it.  So I did.  And yes, husband did a little.  It was more of a "here silly, you can't possibly want this but if you think you do here you go" kind of thing.  Followed quickly by a "holy shit this crazy bitch likes this" kind of thing.  Yes, i do admit that these conversations made our increasingly infrequent sex a lot more interesting.  Just not spanky interesting.

So it just ain't gonna happen... with him.  Some other plans on the horizon ;-)

Anyway, our dear joey has written a story that made me giggle.  Somewhere along the line I seem to have drooled over Johnny Depp (who hasn't?) and he ran with it.  It needs to be part of my blog.  Obviously it's not me, it's Lady Catherine.  And since one can pretend... here's


Catherine opened her eyes and squinted as the sun shone in the small port hole of her cabin. The dawn of a new day brought a smile to her face. She knew that soon she would be landing in New South Britain, the large port city on the continent that her country had built to be a gateway for exploring the vast new land across the ocean.

She closed her eyes and dreamed of her father, the Governor of this important city. Soon, she would see him waiting at dock side to welcome her. But, it was the figure of her lover, Captain John Taylor that sent shivers through her. After a year of waiting, she would soon be reunited with him. She imagined her wedding, a feast in the Governor’s mansion with all the important people in attendance to see her in a beautiful gown. Catherine knew she was spoiled, she had been the only female in her father’s life since her mother died of the pox. But, she loved being pampered by men.

KNOCK, KNOCK. “Wake up Lady Catherine.” A booming explosion rocked the ship. Catherine jumped out of bed in her sleeping gown and opened the door. The first mate told her that pirates were attacking the ship and warned her to stay inside her cabin while the marines on board repulsed the intruders. She shook in fear as she locked the door. Shots were fired on the decks above and men were screaming and yelling. Catherine had read about the fierce pirates and worried about what they might to do her if they took over the ship. But, she thought, the brave Captain will certainly dispatch them.

Suddenly, the shooting stopped and she heard men running to her cabin door.

“Open up this door,” said a raspy voice.

Catherine was frozen in terror and could not move. The door exploded in front of her and two men with beards and long swords burst into the cabin. “What have we here, a pretty young lady. Captain Sparrow will be very pleased.”

“Don’t you dare touch me,” said Catherine, “I am the Governor’s daughter.”

The two men laughed and grabbed the young lady by her arm. “You are coming with us.” Catherine kicked and screamed, but it just made the men laugh harder as they dragged her out of the cabin and onto the deck where she was thrown to the hard wood in front of Captain Sparrow.

Lady Catherine cursed herself for not changing from her flimsy sleeping gown as she tried to regain her composure.

“What do we have here?” said Captain Sparrow.

“I am the daughter of the Governor of New South Britain and I expect to be treated with the respect I deserve.” Captain Sparrow and his men burst into laughter. “Is that so? You are quite feisty and arrogant. I have just the remedy to cure your attitude problem.”

He took her roughly by the arm with his strong hands and dragged her to a nearby barrel. With a quick turn, he had Lady Catherine over his knee.

“How dare you? I will not be treated like this. My father will have your neck stretched if you do not let me go.”

Captain Sparrow held her firmly with his left arm and pulled up her gown with his right hand causing Lady Catherine to squirm and scream. He placed his thumb inside the top of her knickers and down they came revealing a pretty round bottom, much to the pleasure of the other pirates standing on the deck. He removed her knickers and tossed them to one of the pirates who held them up for all to see. Captain Sparrow waited with a firm grip as the young lady fought and wiggled, but she failed to escape.

Catherine was mortified. Her bare bottom was on display for all to see. This pirate will pay for this someday she thought. He will surely be hanged by her father when he is brought to justice for his misdeeds.

“Let me go. I am a lady. Let me go.” Her screams just made the pirate laugh louder. “Shut up girl.” Captain Sparrow started spanking Catherine with hard blows. His hands were rough and his body strong from years of sailing on the seas. Each blow stung her tender skin.

“Stop, stop, stop,” she wailed as the blows hit her round bottom over and over again. “Please, please, please,” she said, but the spanking continued until she was in tears and sobbing.

Captain Sparrow stopped and whispered in her ear. “Will you behave now young lady?” “I hate you. I hate you.”

Captain Sparrow’s face became serious and once again rained heavy blows on Catherine’s sore bottom. “Good, your skin is now a bright red. “ He continued as Catherine screamed and begged for mercy.

“Will you obey me dear lady?” he said in a commanding voice. “Yes,” whimpered Catherine.

“You mean yes sir.” Four more hard spanks were placed on her now welted bottom. “Yes Sir.”

“Good girl.”

“Take the young lady to my cabin and ensure that no one harms her.”
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Spanked by Captain Sparrow Updated at : 2:12 PM
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

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