
'A reader recently emailed me asking for help to end her lifelong sugar junkie addiction.

Dear Sarah, I’m sure you get lots of emails every day but I sure hope you can give me some advice. I’m 52 years old and a horrific sugar addict. At six weeks old, my mother started me on chocolate milk and other than very short periods of time, I don’t think I have been without sugar.

It doesn’t matter what form it is in…just have sugar. This morning I told a friend that I could be rolled in chocolate and be happy! So, you see my problem. Please help me get off sugar. Even typing that makes me start shaking and looking for my next fix!!

I’m working very hard to change our eating habits. We grow almost all of our food…veggies, beef, pork, eggs, chicken, milk. This week I started making our butter, yogurt, etc. and hope to be making hard cheeses soon. Can you help a middle-aged, over weight, grandmother improve her health? Thank you so much, Regina'

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Posted by: Anonymous Slay the Sugar Monster in Four Doable Steps Updated at : 2:39 AM
Monday, November 18, 2013

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