When I was little my mother would often wake me with a cheerful "Diana, it's time to rise and shine! I want to hear the pitter patter of those little feet on the floor!".  I had a terribly happy mother that was always in a good mood in the morning (and pretty much all the time).

I have been up since 4 a.m. but there has been very little pitter patter of my feet. I am exhausted since I haven't really slept for the last three years.

It's 5:03 a.m. right now. I've been reading blogs the past hour and could happily continue for another hour. But now I really need to move, get my gym clothes on, drive six minutes to the gym, go inside, and really move body.

I don't want to move. I want to sit here by the fireplace, in my recliner, with my kitty curled up on my stomach as I type on my laptop. My kitty, Mickey, is the love of my life. White, longish fur, with a red head and red tail and he is Mr. Personality Plus. He never fails to make me smile. I really hate to disturb him (or do I really mean it's "me" that I don't want to disturb).

Unfortunately, life seems to be a series of things I'd rather not do. Going to the gym in the dark, cold, and rainy weather is one of them. However, I want that good feeling I get afterwards more than I want to sit here, warm and comfortable, with my best fur friend cuddled up with me. Of course, as I typed that, I thought, "Nah! This is better."

Regardless, I'm going to do what is the right thing for me, for my health and for my head...exercise. Lack of sleep is a poor excuse to not exercise.

So my little feet  (are size nine feet little?) are going to get moving and get to the gym before it's too late. I have to be out of the house by 5:30 a.m. It's 5:15 a.m. right now.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo The pitter patter of little feet Updated at : 5:17 AM
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

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