Big Business Planning Attack On Low Wage Worker Organizing  Portside   ...Business and labor are going to war over the nonprofit worker centers that union officials increasingly see as the future of their movement...
Ending corporate tax avoidance/evasion could reduce our long-term revenue problem  Economic Policy Institute   ...the latest CBO report suggests strongly that in containing projected long-run deficits, the U.S. has a tax problem, not a spending problem...
Slow economic recovery reflected in stagnant income and poverty data  Economic Policy Institute   ...incomes for most households grew only slightly if at all in 2012 after deteriorating between 2007 and 2011...
President Obama Asks Congress To Give Up Its Oversight On Secret TPP Agreement  techdirt   ...Trade Promotion Authority offers no benefit to the public at all. All it does is make sure that the USTR has less oversight and fewer limitations on selling out the public for a few big special interests...
Bangladesh police fire rubber bullets at garment workers seeking $100 month minimum wage  Agence France-Press   ...Protesters threw stones and bricks at factories just outside the capital in Kaliakoir that make clothes for some of the world’s top retailers. Others marched along a key highway and blocked traffic, police said...
6 Shocking Revelations About How Private Prisons Make Their Money  Alternet   ...Private prison companies are striking deals with states that contain clauses to guarantee high prison occupancy rates...
Supreme Court may strike new blow to campaign funding laws  Los Angeles Times   ...The Supreme Court, in a new campaign funding case, may lift a lid on the total the wealthy can give to all candidates and parties...
Bruce Schneier: NSA Spying Is Making Us Less Safe  MIT Technology Review   ...What these leaks reveal is how robust NSA surveillance is, how pervasive it is, and to what degree the NSA has commandeered the entire Internet and turned it into a surveillance platform...
Job And Business Growth Strong Under Seattle’s Paid Sick Days Law  ThinkProgress   ...Job growth was actually stronger in the city in 2013 after the ordinance went into effect than during the first part of 2012, including in retail and food service jobs that were particularly impacted...
Superman’s Shop Floor: An Inquiry into Charter School Labor in Philadelphia  Viewpoint Magazine   ...Philadelphia’s cur­rent plight illus­trates a broader national trend: pub­lic schools are being inten­tion­ally under­funded and dis­man­tled...
Conservative Lawmaker Defies Open-Records Law to Keep ALEC Dealings Secret  Bill Moyers and Company   ...Wisconsin State Senator Leah Vukmir, a key confidante of Governor Scott Walker who serves as ALEC’s national treasurer, has for months been stonewalling a legitimate open-records request from the Madison-based Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), which ... revealed how the corporate-funded council has been working with state legislators across the country to enact measures developed by special interest groups...
Tiny North Dakota town braces against neo-Nazi plans for all-white community  The Guardian   ...Town of Leith, population 24, has sought outside help amid news that a white supremacist group plans to call it home...

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Today's Teamster News 09.23.13 Updated at : 4:49 AM
Monday, September 23, 2013

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