Blogger's spam filter for comments really works pretty good and traps the comments off to a separate place where you can delete them later. I've only had one legitimate comment end up in there. I used to get a lot of spammy junk. I used word verification for a bit and that stopped the junk but I got a few emails that people couldn't comment when they wanted to because it was too hard. So I switched it to block anonymous comments.  Still no spam. I left open the option to be a user anywhere, not just blogger.

Maryanne (sorry, I mean maryanne lol) suggested changing the blog settings to block google from finding the blog. I had done that until I saw some of the search terms that were bringing people to my blog... and decided it was better to leave it available to be found. I openly admit my "crazies" and believe that DD is a good way - for me at least - to cope with daily struggles.  Not that I have any information or proof for them because we're not doing it.  But I think it's good to see you're not alone though.

Anyway though, if you're having problems with spam comments that's probably a good way to stop it.  People would only find you through your comments you leave on others' blogs.

If you've got word verification you might want to reconsider it.  I was trying to comment today from my phone and finally gave up.  Either the words were a bunch of blurry gobbledy-gook or the picture couldn't be read.  I couldn't get it to give me legible letters at the same time as a picture that could be read. 

And speaking of randomly generated letters... I saw this on facebook this weekend.  Somebody bought a plane ticket and this is what she got.  Could you imagine???  I'd be wary of getting on that plane!  She put on her tweeter and said "I know we've been through some hard times together, but is this really my conf number?" 

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Posted by: Tukiyooo Word Verification Updated at : 9:20 AM
Monday, August 12, 2013

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