Court Affirms Dismissal of Arkansas Best Complaint Against Union, YRC  Wall Street Journal   ...A federal appeals court has affirmed a lower court's decision to dismiss a complaint from an Arkansas Best Corp. (ABFS) unit against the International Brotherhood of Teamsters union, YRC Worldwide Inc. (YRCW) and other parties for alleged violations of a collective bargaining agreement governing most unionized trucking companies...
A New Dawn for Labor Day  Beyond Chron   ... a new generation of worker organizing is emerging – including car wash workers, home health aides, domestic workers, dishwashers and waiters, retail sales persons, day laborers and warehouse workers. They signal a growing hunger for representation and voice on the job...
NAACP opposes deals for 'Moral Monday' protesters  WRAL.com   ... The state chapter of the NAACP said Friday that it plans to fight charges filed against people arrested during a series of protests at the Legislative Building instead of accepting a deal offered by Wake County District Attorney Colon Willoughby to end the cases...
Poverty Has Same Effect On The Brain As Constantly Pulling All Nighters  ThinkProgress   ... “Poverty is the equivalent of pulling an all-nighter. Picture yourself after an all-nighter. Being poor is like that every day...”
Colombia Uprising: Is This What "Free Trade" Looks Like?  Public Citizen   ...Unfair trade is one of the rallying cries of the underreported protests currently wracking Colombia...
Low-paid Germans mind rich-poor gap as elections approach  The Guardian   ...With no national minimum wage and a fifth of workers in insecure mini-jobs, critics say German prosperity is being built on exploitation of the downtrodden...
“Death by China” Film Shows where all the Jobs Have Gone  Trade Reform   ...China’s perverse form of capitalism combines illegal mercantilist and protectionist weapons to pick off American industries, job by job. Meanwhile, America’s executives, politicians, and even academia remain silent about the looming threat...
Regulators Repeat Exactly What They Did During the Last Housing Boom  Baseline Scenario   ... everyone has either forgotten that the financial crisis happened or is pretending that it didn’t happen because, well, maybe it won’t happen again?...
Public Banking Institute Calls Largest Wall Street Banks “Unsafe,” and Backs It Up  Wall Street on Parade  ...The Public Banking Institute has released a new videomaking serious claims, backed by graphs and government documents, that the largest Wall Street banks are an unsafe choice for the savings of moms, pops and public payrolls...
What Should You Be Earning?  Economic Policy Institute   ...In honor of Labor Day, we made a little tool—based on our project inequality.is—that shows how much you would be making if wages had kept pace with productivity, a key indicator of an economy working for all...
Pet coke along Detroit River removed, Bing says  Detroit News   ...Pet coke is a byproduct of the oil refinery process and can be sold as a fuel source. The piles along the Detroit River were created at the nearby Marathon Oil Refinery and purchased by Koch Minerals LLC...
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Today's Teamster News 08.31.13 Updated at : 4:47 AM
Saturday, August 31, 2013

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