Hope all of you Watchdog readers are having a wonderful summer. Make no mistake, the Watchdog is still on the job, but just taking a break from writing over the past month. Like some of the high-profile mega church pastors, the Watchdog is on a summer sabbatical to recharge his blogging batteries. The Dog of God has to take a break just like the Man of God, you know!

During the Dog Days of summer, I did want to share with you a short post of a few recent examples of what pastors need from you this summer, so you can be sure to help them out.

"It's All About the Benjamins": Josh Turner and the pastors at Celebration Church here in Jacksonville need your benjamins. Last night with a giant "It's All About the BENJAMINS" graphic behind him (for those of you who don't know, a "benjamin" is a $100 bill) - Josh preached to the college students the importance of forking over 10% of their life's income to the church so they can be blessed and not cursed. Josh even managed to make fun of a woman who actually took them up on their "money back guarantee" offer - a woman who I know and who did need her money back and went through the humiliation of having to ask for it. I used to think that pastors tried to hide the fact that what is most important is the money - but Josh and the leadership at Celebration are now apparently open and honest: "It's All About the Benjamins" as you see in the photo above taken last night. To these preachers what matters most is the dollars - you prove your faith to them by forking over 10 cents on the dollar. Seeing this reminded me of Ed Young's "Show me the Money" sermon disaster in 2010.

"Preacher Needs House Furnished": While Josh is trying to rack up the Benjamins, another pastor in Waycross, Georgia is trying to rack up the home furnishings. Remember Danny "It Ain't None of Yo' Business" Crosby, the preacher here in Jax who bragged about ripping into a woman at a restaurant who dared to criticize her pastor in a private conversation - while his own online resume publicly ripped his prior church? Danny boy landed a new gig at a church in Waycross this spring. I've never heard of a pastor doing this before, but apparently Danny and the Mrs. set up a "wedding registry" at Belk's website so the peeps at his new church could help them furnish their home they're moving into this summer. If you'd like to help Danny furnish his home - they still need the Samsung 720p plasma TV on the Walmart registry - visit their registry here and here. And tell them the Watchdog sent you.

"Preacher Needs Your Prayers":  The peeps at Perry Noble's church received an hour's lecture by "teaching pastor" Clayton King on a very necessary topic: you are obligated to continually pray for your pastor. Not that you should be praying for your wife or your kids, but you should be in continual prayer for Perry and others in "authority" over you, since their jobs are so tough and so important. Clayton wrapped it up by telling the good folks six steps to praying for Perry: pray affectionately, pray compassionately, pray courageously, pray specifically, pray expectantly, pray constantly. And pray while drinking the NewSpring Kool Aid. If you need to watch this hour lecture on how to pray for YOUR Man-of-God, you can watch Clayton's message here.

There you have it, now you know what your pastor needs...now get busy and pray and buy for your pastors, and remember, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS!
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Thursday, August 1, 2013

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