The operational modalities of the UNITED STATES as the ’police of the world’ are viewed by many with envy and with disgust. When the USA is advance its economic interests its massive military power projects far ahead of any diplomatic efforts. That is a luxury that others do not have. The US has benefited from this arrangement immensely and rival nations are attempting to reshape this model adding their own cultural sensibilities. As the old adage goes, ’talk softly but carry a big stick’.

Many nations have been quietly sitting on the sidelines watching the UNITED STATES operating with righteous impunity. Beasts from the east are looking to not only stand up to AMERICA but slowly chip away at their turf. CHINA’S is following bits of the US playbook when it comes to their mixed-market economy, while rapidly building up their military force. CHINA is leveraging their military to intimidate any who would interfere with their economic aspirations while appearing meek and adamantly denying all accusations.


CHINA has been building a massive economic engine due to the needs of its gargantuan population. There have been subtle hints of a coming insurrection within CHINA due to pollution, corruption, land grabbing, limited water supply, and inflation of food prices. Over the last few years there have been major riots that have instilled fear within the leadership of CHINA. CHINA is digging its heels into the SOUTH CHINA SEA and the INDIAN OCEAN to apply its new economic and military grand strategy, building a new “Silk Road” between sea lines to ensure proper transport of its imports and military infrastructure. CHINA is weary of both RUSSIA and INDIA and do not want to find being cut off from the rest of the world. A military or financial blockade in the straits by its enemies or past allies would be debilitating.


The USA, JAPAN and CHINA are projecting power and expanding maritime and mainland strategic defenses within the ASIA-PACIFIC landscape for control of trade sea routes, strategic raw materials – hydrocarbons hubs and security of geographic provinces of strategic interest. The ASIA-PACIFIC geopolitical scenario will be no easy task since ASIAN nations are interplaying AMERICANS and CHINESE, with the U.S. military providing security and CHINA providing economic fringe benefits.

Pentagon and civilian leaders are rapidly increasing U.S. Army, Marines and U.S. Navy presence in CHINA’S backyard. CHINA’S naval fleet, the largest in ASIA, which boasts 62 submarines, 13 destroyers and 65 frigates of active ships in the region. The U.S. military is increasing military footprints, boots on the ground with U.S. Marines, Joint Special Operations Command, military equipment depots and strategic intelligence and aerospace footprintwith locales in AUSTRALIA, VIETNAM , CAMBODIA and the PHILIPPINES. Not only is the vast deployment of U.S. military armed forces concentrated toward CHINA’S expansion, these forces will provide security for vested interests in the region – JAPANESE Ichthys Gas , Royal Dutch Shell , ExxonMobil, Forum Energy and trillions of dollars worth of oil found in AUSTRALIAN outback. Coincidence?

CHINA’S rising military power in the region is expanding well beyond it’s borders through stealth wars and operations , key transport and delivery of strategic resources and continued intrusion on nations economic exclusive zones. CHINA’S activities in the region are necessary to nourish it’s regional appetite for power, influence and resources, diplomacy necessary to sustain the CHINESE economic engine. JAPANS considerable dependence on imported energy resources (90%) transiting routes of Malacca – South and East CHINA Sea is a high risk of engagement of military forces and energy firms with CHINA over territorial disputes especially over oil and gas in the heavily disputed Okinawa and Diaoyu-Senkaku Islands .

U.S. and Philippines strategic architecture is operation acquisition prevention, AirSea Battle vs anti-access/anti-denial capabilities (A2/AD), military’s offshore control concept to ensure the flow of strategic assets to U.S. allies while blockading CHINESE access, interdict import of strategic raw materials at vital sea gates and choke points and inhibit CHINESE corporate offshore oil and natural gas energy and naval activities in the exclusive economic zones, mainly CHINA’S 9-dash line territorial claim over PANATAG, Parcel and Spratly Islands of the South CHINA Sea.

Strategic dialogue between the U.S., CHINA and JAPAN over economic exclusive zones, oil and gas regions and military encounters over territorial disputes could easily ignite a South CHINA Sea Flashpoint . With hardly any noise or accusations from pundits, the U.S. massive military and diplomatic buildup in the ASIAN Block is a counter-move toward CHINA’S renminbi bloc and forestall the creation of multinational ASIAN block adopting the Yuan as a primary currency and the direct exchange of oil and gas for Yuans.


When considering CHINAS A2-AD strategy, one popular theory is that CHINA would go all in launching massive saturation missile strikes on AMERICA and JAPANESE bases to gain advantage and attain victory

The US-PH alliance is erecting an offensive/defensive perimeter in the Asia-Pacific to secure jump-off points for pre-emptive strike capabilities. The Pentagon is increasing the MEU to 2500 in Darwin, increasing rotational Naval and JSOC operations in the PHILIPPINES , shifting Marines from JAPAN to GUAM which all could find themselves transiting the region in littoral combat ships as part of the Single Naval Strategy. The PHILIPPINES are planning to relocate air and naval forces to Subic Bay to cut reaction time by fighter aircraft to contested South CHINA Sea areas. JAPAN is revamping Self Defense Forces from a defensive position to first strikeamphibious island capturing abilities with military frontiers to counter CHINESE intrusion and defend JAPANS East CHINA Sea territories and energy resources. 

CHINA is deploying naval operations west to shield Middle East oil routes. CHINESE submarines loaded with nuclear missilesare on high alert as counteroffensive strategy to turn SOUTH CHINA SEA into off limits zone. CHINA’S military test firing of anti-satellite rockets capable of disrupting communications and the navigation of U.S. carrier strike groups. Pointed at TAIWAN are Carrier Hunter anti-ship warheads intended to destroy the ships’ flight decks, launch catapults and control towers. CHINA’S growing naval assertiveness by circumventing gaps in JAPAN’S Maritime Chokepoints and launching coastguard paramilitary vessels to keep pressure on JAPAN over disputed islands in the EAST CHINA SEA.
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Posted by: Tukiyooo EGYPT: THE LYNCHPIN OF THE MIDDLE EAST (Part 2) Updated at : 12:05 PM
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

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