Teamsters On Strike Against Gold Cross Ambulance  Local 542   ..."It is the hope of Teamsters Local 542 that the company realizes the danger that their actions and position has put the residents of the Imperial County in and that they come back to the table with an offer for their employees that will end this strike as soon as possible..."
Exclusive: Signs of declining economic security  Associated Press   ...Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream...
U.S. Multinationals Were Hiring Like Mad in 2011...Abroad   Economic Populist   ...we have a 0.1% increase in hiring for jobs in the United States while MNCs (multinational corporations) increased their hiring abroad by 4.4%...
REPORT: Canceling Sequestration Could Add Up To 1.6 Million Jobs  ThinkPtogress   ...Fully canceling sequestration at the beginning of August would likely add 900,000 jobs to the economy but could add up to as many as 1.6 million, according to a new analysis from the Congressional Budget Office...
The Bogus High-Tech Worker Shortage: How Guest Workers Lower US Wages  PBS Newshour   ...When Bill Clinton was president, wages for American IT workers were climbing and American students were clamoring to become computer scientists. Fifteen years later, average real IT wages are no higher. It is no coincidence that high-tech industries are now using guest workers to fill two-thirds of new IT jobs...
It’s Been A Busy Week Of Protests In America: Teachers, Pensions, Minimum Wage…  Mint Press News   ...Detroit is bankrupt, Chicago just layed off 2,100 teachers, and California Wal-Mart workers are on strike. Across the U.S., a growing number of Americans are fed up with low pay and spending cuts that are touted as a panacea for budget deficit and years of overspending by American cities...
Activists protest outside Wells Fargo executive's San Marino home  Los Angeles Times   ...About 70 anti-foreclosure activists gathered Saturday afternoon outside the San Marino home of Wells Fargo Chief Financial Officer Tim Sloan, testing a city law against political protest in residential areas that was enacted after a previous demonstration at the bank executive’s house...
Fighting Back Against Wretched Wages  New York Times   ...More walkouts are expected at fast-food restaurants in seven cities on Monday...
Unlike American Parents, Prince William Gets Paid Paternity Leave After The Royal Baby Is Born  ThinkProgress   ...the U.K. guarantees a weekly sum of £136.78 (equivalent to $209.78) or 90 percent of a father’s average weekly earnings – whichever is lower – for the duration of leave...
Governor Admits He ‘Does Not Know Enough’ About The Voter Suppression Bill He’s About To Sign  ThinkProgress   ...North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) said Friday he would sign a bill passed by the North Carolina legislature that would become the most suppressive voting law in the nation...
Solidarity Sing Along crowd grows as arrests continue at Wisconsin Capitol  The Cap Times   ...Arrests of protesters continued for the third straight day Friday at the state Capitol, suggesting a renewed effort by Gov. Scott Walker’s administration to silence the ad-hoc “Solidarity Sing Along” group is doing little to stop the daily event...
Let Me Show You Why People Support Scott Walker  Daily Kos   ...Propaganda disguised as news...
Lew: No federal bailout for Detroit  The Hill   ...Treasury Secretary Jack Lew on Sunday defended the administration’s decision not to help bail out Detroit, saying that the city would need to negotiate its own resolution with creditors...
California Hunger Strikers Enter Third Week, Face Retaliation  Truth-out   ...The strike encompassed people in two-thirds of California's state prisons and four out-of-state private prisons contracted by California...
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Today's Teamster News 07.29.13 Updated at : 3:46 AM
Monday, July 29, 2013

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