Teamsters Announce UPS Freight Contract Extension  IBT   ...The Teamsters Union and UPS Freight have agreed to an extension of the current UPS Freight National Agreement in order to give the parties time to continue negotiations...
Mr. President, why are there so many bad jobs at McDonalds and Walmart?  Raw Story   ...“Hundreds of billions of dollars in federal contracts, grants, loans, concession agreements and property leases go to private companies that pay low wages, provide few benefits, and offer employees little opportunity to work their way into the middle class. At the same time, many of these companies are providing their executives with exorbitant compensation...”
Not Just Goldman Sachs: Koch Industries Hoards Commodities as a Trading Strategy  The Nation   ...Goldman Sachs has made a tidy profit by buying up vast amounts of aluminum and slowing the delivery through the ownership of vast warehouses...
Koch Industries PAC spending record cash  Center for Public Integrity   ...The political action committee of Koch Industries — the energy and chemicals company led by billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch — gave more money in June to federal political candidates and committees than it ever has in any other month during a non-election year...
'I Have To Choose Between Food And Rent': Meet The McDonald's Workers Fighting For Fair Wages  Forbes   ...The burger chain’s PR nightmare could also serve to increase political pressure to boost the federal minimum wage, which currently sits at $7.25/hour, or $15,000 in annual pay for a full-time gig. It has also provided momentum for campaigns like July 24th’s National Day of Action, backed by the National Employment Law Project, when workers from McDonald’s, Walmart and other low-wage companies will take to the streets in 22 cities and towns nationwide to protest what they see as poverty-level pay...
Labor board picks pledge fairness at hearing that comes days after filibuster deal  Associated Press   ...President Barack Obama’s newest picks for the National Labor Relations Board sought to assure Senate lawmakers that they can be fair and impartial in resolving business-labor disputes, despite backgrounds that include advocating for unions...
GOP accused of using deception to trick voters on Right to Work  PR News Channel   ...As Ohio labor groups prepare for the next round of legislative fighting on Right to Work, they accused Right to Work supporters of using misleading names and engaging in a campaign that deliberately tricks the public into supporting a controversial, anti-labor agenda...
Just How Low Can Your Salary Go? 117 ALEC Bills in 2013 Fuel Race to the Bottom in Wages and Worker Rights  PRWatch   ...At least 117 bills introduced in 2013 fuel a "race to the bottom" in wages, benefits, and worker rights and resemble "model" bills from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), according to a new analysis by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), publishers of ALECexposed.org...
Unions rally federal employees to appeal furlough  Washington Post   ...Unions are mounting a new attack on the Obama administration’s decision to furlough nearly one in two federal workers, rallying thousands of their members to appeal the unpaid days off to a little-known review board...
Getting Detroit Back on Its Feet  New York Times  ...After suffering through decades of economic decline and official mismanagement, the city of Detroit sought bankruptcy protection last week, becoming the largest American municipality to take that extreme step. The city’s debts total a staggering $18 billion, far more than it could ever afford to pay back given its shrinking population and tax base...
Currency Rules Sought in Pacific-Trade Deal by Automakers  Bloomberg News   ...A trade pact among Pacific-region nations should include provisions to prevent currency manipulation, Representative Sander Levin said, siding with U.S. automakers in expressing concern about Japan’s economic policies as the nation formally joins the talks...
City and unions argue Anchorage labor law in court  Associated Press   ...A new law, which limits annual raises for city employees, restricts incentive pay and bonuses in future contracts and takes away the right to strike, is making its way through court to determine if voters should get an opportunity to repeal the law through a referendum...
Mayor McGinn goes all out on Whole Foods over worker pay  Seattle Times   ...The Washington, D.C., city council made national news earlier this month with its effort to force Walmart to pay higher wages at the new stores the company has hoped to build in the city. A similar fight is afoot in Seattle — but over Whole Foods...
Voting rights target of 12th Moral Monday protest  Winston-Salem Journal  ...Speakers at the 12th weekly protest in Raleigh took demonstrators back almost 50 years Monday, claiming current proposals to change voting policies in the state would restrict voting access in ways that haven’t been seen in decades...
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Posted by: Tukiyooo Today's Teamster News 07.24.13 Updated at : 3:49 AM
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

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